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Lookin for a new cpu/mobo


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um 2500 is good thats what i have especially if u like overclocking

cuz the 2500 is the last and highest of the barton class and the only one that can be unlocked until u get up to the 53fx series

so its a good buy if ur not into hardcore shit cuz they do run pretty hot so hopefully u got a good cooling system in ur case

as for the mobo meh prob can go alittle better

maybe try gigabyte see what they have

but thats a good buy if u don't have a shitload of money to burn :lol:

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Yea, and the weird thing is, I chose that shit by myself :P Just wanted to get some opinions on this stuff. I'm lookin to overclock my cpu as well. And I already have cooling picked out, so It should be fine. So far 2 ppl say its a good buy, so I think I'll keep that stuff bookmarked.

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The 2500 is supposed to be a good buy from wot I've heard (looking to upgrade in the next few weeks myself) can be oc'd to 3.0/3.2 speeds fairly easily apparently.

For the mobo the nforce 2 chipsets are supposed to be better than the via ones (note I am not anti via I have a via mobo atm & its fine, if a little old). One thing I would check on is compatibility with ur graphics card best bet is to check forums of ur graphics card maker & the forums for the mobo ur looking at, this will usually tell u if theres problems.

For myself I'm getting a MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR because I asked on the forums (sapphire ) specifically for ppl to post motherboards that were known to work with my graphics (9600xt) after hearing ppl having problems with the asus a7n8x series & dfi lanparty boards.


Don't s'pose u'd care to share those oc tips would u? I'm a complete newb to oc & wont be doing it straight away, but would be nice to know for future reference :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm talking about things like this nick. THIS IS SPAM. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, nick thinks all his little smiley faces and emoticons are not spam.

[03:41:52 PM] Posty [3 Yea: why the fuck did u spam like 20 topics in


[03:42:03 PM] nick: wasnt spam

[03:42:06 PM] Posty [3 Yea: yes it is

[03:42:27 PM] Posty [3 Yea: saying "O_O" to a topic with nothing

written, and a topic that no one wanted to respond back

to, is spam

[03:42:28 PM] nick: i read and repl;ied to each of those

[03:42:52 PM] Posty [3 Yea: u said ":(" ":)" "O_O" ":$"

[03:42:53 PM] Posty [3 Yea: and so on

[03:42:55 PM] Posty [3 Yea: THATS SPAM

[03:43:14 PM] nick: whotyever dont fuckin talk to me like that who do

you think you are, goodbye

[03:43:18 PM] nick has left the conversation.

Now, nick, that thing you put down, the emoticon, is total spam, same with the rest of the topics you posted in.

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