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DooN's list of crappy admins and other crap.


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-=-=-=-=-=Alot of you may not be concerned by this so move on, but for those of you that are concerned or have shared a similiar experience please feel free to post it up. This is not going to be a argue war thread, so moderaters please delete any posts that incline so. This thread is to speak out on the lame acts that people encounter and wish to share. IF at anytime anyone feels as what has been posted is false, we can have the admin/owner from server check the log.. and also post any actual in game screenshots.=-=-=-=-=-

Ok I have LOGS and LOGS of bad admining and all around sad acts from clans mainly KFC and others that get sad when they get owNed and basically ban.

I owNed kungfu numerous 1 v 1's .. 10-3 .. 10-2.. im on the party server today and then all of KFC trys and teams up .. slowly but surely they all get owNed .. then end result .. "I cheat" and I am banned. Which I don't cheat, and I shouldn't have been banned.

I was just recently banned from party server by "KFC_the_man" or actualy more like the girl that can't stand to be owNed. I have the log here is a piece from the end.

This is after all of them telling me how good they are after they have been getting owNed and talking a "large" amount of crap, laugh.


][)oo]\[: sergrio i recorded that .. so all yoru lies on camara

Ice timed out.


!KFC*$3r9!0 has left the game.

modemide: wow .... sync.

jIm killed DJ. (Chainsaw)

!KFC*$3r9!0 has joined the game.

mohead has left the game.

!KFC*$3r9!0: do i care?

!KFC*$3r9!0: nope

<'!KFC*$3r9!0'. logged in as an admin. (Admin level: 2)>

modemide has left the game.

SaLsA has joined the game.

Silent-kill has left the game.

TwitchGat killed Bobby. (MP5)

TwitchGat: ouch'

jIm killed Joey. (M60)

Bobby: type the room into msn wheel when u find one

Bobby: lol twitch that hurt

LuizinhoMala has been kicked from the game.

Ice has joined the game.

TwitchGat: down to 28hp

$KFC$jani: lol

TwitchGat: thought i was a gonner on reload

$KFC$jani: !health 21

][)oo]\[ killed $KFC$the-man. (Stubby Shotgun)

$KFC$the-man: noob

Ice timed out.

jIm killed ManHunt. (M60)

SaLsA: shiit

-Gg-OzAvi has joined the game.

$KFC$the-man: strange fuck

-Gg-OzAvi: who want be with me?

Bobby: thought i was a goner and was

Bobby: lol

][)oo]\[ killed !KFC*$3r9!0. (Stubby Shotgun)

!KFC*$3r9!0: lol

][)oo]\[: owNed.

-Gg-OzAvi: who want be with me?

SaLsA has left the game.

-Gg-OzAvi: who want be with me?

!KFC*$3r9!0: u get sooo lucky

][)oo]\[: n00b.. eat that.

$KFC$jani: the-man, when u get killed, its not a good idea to call them a noob, because after all, they just killed u

][)oo]\[: 2-0 serg

!KFC*$3r9!0: lol jani

$KFC$jani: :P

][)oo]\[: with the man straight owNed.. the bitch ass bitch i should say.

$KFC$jani: its tru

$KFC$the-man: yea with a shit glitch

Bruno_MT has joined the game.

$KFC$the-man: = noob

$KFC$jani: lol

!KFC*$3r9!0 killed ][)oo]\[. (Stubby Shotgun)

* $KFC$jani is a noob :P

!KFC*$3r9!0: whats ur excuse now?

][)oo]\[: not inside play area n00b?

][)oo]\[: laugh.

!KFC*$3r9!0: OMG!1

!KFC*$3r9!0: UR GAY

* $KFC$jani slaps the shit out of DooN

$KFC$the-man killed himself.

* !KFC*$3r9!0 too

][)oo]\[: laugh laugh..

$KFC$the-man: just ban the asshole

!KFC*$3r9!0: doon= excuses

$KFC$jani: may i please kick that twat

!KFC*$3r9!0: 2-1 nigga

Bruno_MT has been kicked from the game.

$KFC$the-man: yea

$KFC$jani: so he loses his points

$KFC$the-man: kick

$KFC$jani: thanks

][)oo]\[ killed !KFC*$3r9!0. (Stubby Shotgun)

jIm killed NoBoDy. (Chainsaw)

Sanada78 drowned.

][)oo]\[: what was that?

TwitchGat killed Bobby. (MP5)

!KFC*$3r9!0: pwnage?

$KFC$jani: !kick 9 owned ignored kicked

<'badass' is kicked by admin '$KFC$jani': owned ignored kicked>

badass has been kicked from the game.

Bruno_MT has joined the game.

][)oo]\[: 3-1 .. owNed.

][)oo]\[: shutup.

DeK has left the game.

$KFC$jani: FUCK

$KFC$jani: rofl

DeK has joined the game.

!KFC*$3r9!0: JANI DONT

!KFC*$3r9!0: DONT

][)oo]\[ killed $KFC$the-man. (Stubby Shotgun)

$KFC$jani: his ID changed

$KFC$the-man: wtf

!KFC*$3r9!0: DONT KICK HIm

$KFC$jani: OK

][)oo]\[: owNed.

$KFC$the-man: wtf

$KFC$the-man: stfu

][)oo]\[: and you interupted.

$KFC$the-man: ur cheating

][)oo]\[: laugh.

$KFC$the-man: !ban 10#

<$KFC$the-man: Cannot ban absent ID.>

Bobby: go ahead

Bobby: ok

][)oo]\[: owNed ignored whiner girl. hahahaha.

$KFC$the-man: !ban 10

Disconnected: You are banned. (Delay = 10 sec)

<'][)oo]\[' is banned by admin '$KFC$the-man': No reason.>


Disconnected: You are banned. (Delay = 10 sec)

Highlighted topics:


][)oo]\[: sergrio i recorded that .. so all yoru lies on camara


!KFC*$3r9!0: do i care?

!KFC*$3r9!0: nope


$KFC$jani: may i please kick that twat


$KFC$jani: so he loses his points


$KFC$jani: !kick 9 owned ignored kicked

<'badass' is kicked by admin '$KFC$jani': owned ignored kicked>

badass has been kicked from the game

(^^^n00b kicks the wrong person, laugh.^^^)


$KFC$the-man: ur cheating

][)oo]\[: laugh.

$KFC$the-man: !ban 10#

Then earlier today there is [VCP]Rebel: on the GTA3 PARTYSERVER.

There are about 3 people in game.. they are all running around VC I shoot at one or two of the cars.. I'm kicked.. then I rejoin he says "I told you not to attack us" or some lame crap such as that.. as my I reiterate the fact that they are the only 3 in the server playing. So I get a 4wd drive vehicle ( cause they are racing hummers etc.), bump into one of their cars.. and then I am kicked again for "attacking".

Even if i was ATTACKING they are the only 3 on the server, I can if I want, it's not he's private little server where he can kick/ban me whenever he feels I'm attacking something that I shouldn't be.. straight lame. I have the log of that too along with MANY other lame ass admins/clan acts.

Learn to ADMIN and to kick/ban for the RIGHT things.

I have other LOGS and most likely will have more. I will post them if warranted.


-=-=-=-=-=Alot of you may not be concerned by this so move on, but for those of you that are concerned or have shared a similiar experience please feel free to post it up. This is not going to be a argue war thread, so moderaters please delete any posts that incline so. This thread is to speak out on the lame acts that people encounter and wish to share. IF at anytime anyone feels as what has been posted is false, we can have the admin/owner from server check the log and post any actual in game screenshots.=-=-=-=-=-

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Yeah I was there for the beginning of the whole bitching whining fest. A lot of people seem to think they are gods...when they die they get...well...into a hissy fit suited to a 5yo. Theman really shouldn't have the right to admin a server if he's going to be such a person.

In the end everyone needs to take a god damned chill pill and realize it's just a game. I also think that we need to make sure people understand the difference berween cheating and skill is before we give them admin rights.

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I'm going to lock this for various reasons, inciting flaming which it most definately will do, encouraging complaints where none are due (server admins have the RIGHT to ban anyone they wish, for any reason they wish), and the fact it is already just a long dull and pointless 'log post' which we don't want to encourage anywhere.

If u have a problem with a server then try speaking to one of its admins, if they don't wish to remove your ban or take any other action then move on and play on another server.

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