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About reducing file sizes


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I love the way how you can add mods to your MTA server. The only problem I encounter is the total size of the mods. I don't want players to download more than 70-100MB so I am asking if there are any tricks to reduce the download size.

I have looked around and found this post by ccw (http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5015)


How can I do that? Does he mean to zip the mods and upload the an http server or something like gzip on nginx?

Another small question. Do you think 70-100MB is too much for an average player to download? Seeing most other servers don't have more than ~40MB.


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Another small question. Do you think 70-100MB is too much for an average player to download? Seeing most other servers don't have more than ~40MB.

Personally, if I join a server I have never played on before and it has more than 10mb to download, I just disconnect and go somewhere else.

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Why's that?


What's the difference between downloadFile fromv1.4? And how would I compress and extract it?


Yeah, saw that but it does not reduce the file size but rather download it in the background which would cause lag doesn't it?

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Hi Mellnik

Just curious, (if you're using windows) cd to your most demanding resource and run:

@echo off & for /f %a in ('dir /s /b') do echo %~fa %~za 

This will list all the files (including files in subdirectories) and file size in bytes.

Which filetypes are the largest ones?

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You can't compress it and then extract it once the client has it, you can do what I said, so that after they join they have the option to download the files. That way its not a large initial download. Just using downloadFile you can make a GUI with all the mods you want on it and have the player choose what they want to download.

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