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Banned for killing with pistol...

Guest Zybon

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So I decided to play a bit and and picked the Cop. One of the UA members was standing there shooting the Stubby at me and I was running around out of his range shooting him with the pistol. Anyway I killed him with it and it said I killed with (Colt45). He started accusing me of hacking saying I was shooting the revolver as fast as the little pistol. Then I got banned.

First of all, isn't the big pistol called a "Python"? ...clans need to stop recruiting stupid people. Just because someone can kill with the stubby doesn't mean they're good, or even intelligent :roll:.

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ua isnt a very good clan to begin with, theyre still learning (hopefully anyways) alot and its probably a good idea to show them a thing or to right now

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Ok... you really think that if you post 6 post we are not going to see?

Anyway who said you where cheating? i would like to know cuz i am not admin and i am on alot so i would probley see this anyway tell me who said you where cheating we would like to know

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thats true :shock: i am an mtavc admin and we have our reasons for what we have done (in the family) and i expected more from tmm and i never expected one of them to say that :( and we ssupected something form someone and handled it professionaly thats all i have to say and going and starting to talk about clans like that

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sorry UA i will apologise, but bannign for killign with colt, thats abuse of power... I have met many UA and your members do seem to think ppl cheat or mod when they dont. so my advice is have admin training or just select admin.. 6 posts is not spam.... killign with colt is not a mod..

our admin is regulated by who will help pay for our server, this keeps the numbers down so we have 5-6 admin.. as aposed to half the team..

your admin do get far to big when they have kick/ban ability... you need to dull down there power or incrase there knowlage of the bugs in the game, i have played in the UA server before i was TmM and was kicked for a bug...

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hmm i have that mmsn chat with u and a fellow other clan members and i can easily just post it on here but nah its spamming basically but i will expose how gay u r thou and how u were saying u will suck dick and stuff u sick loser get a life

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and tmm mad we currently only have aboout 4 admins thats it man and we have the support of FKU and KFC members and we also support them i do not need to continue this bullshit non necessary discussion anymore

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:oops: its just this is non sense all this thread started by a damn pistol it on UA member that said that pistol is not firing as its suppose to and then at 1 point it auto disconnects him and it happens to very1 saying he got kicked but he didnt cause i also get kicked its just the server and he thinks he got kicked but he didnt we never have done anythingto him he is welcome back :roll: now can we stop this stuff
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Every clan has a big ego when it comes to admining their servers. I was playing in a server which ULK had control of the other day. I had to go on msn for a while and when spawned back in as robber I crashed. Unfortunately for me there was a small spawn war going on, 2 of the clans members had it camped...they thought I was pausing, so I was just kicked even though I explained I crashed. Annoying part was I had the highest score on the server and I don't even live in America.

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:oops: its just this is non sense all this thread started by a damn pistol it on UA member that said that pistol is not firing as its suppose to and then at 1 point it auto disconnects him and it happens to very1 saying he got kicked but he didnt cause i also get kicked its just the server and he thinks he got kicked but he didnt we never have done anythingto him he is welcome back :roll: now can we stop this stuff
Uhh what? No, I was clearly banned, as is stated by the "You are banned from this server" message if I try to join.
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LMFAO banded for killing with a pistol.Hey you didnt have silver bullets in it m8 did you cus that might be why you were banded.No disrespect to any clans just having a laugh :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That guy got ban for killing with a pistol.....and i got ban on TmM server for nothing, i got ping 100-150 and was killing three TmM members with stubby, anyway they start crying that im lagger....with ping 150....i dont know how many times that ppl played mta but they ban me for nothing....I feel sorry for Cowell, MadMike and Watcher...so stupid :P

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I just got banned off the UA server now. I was playing as normal, killing people (and getting killed more than I kill, lol) and something weird happened. One of the UA members kept killing people around me but he was invisible to me? Then he said, whatever you have SuperDave turn it off. Before I could type a response I was not kicked, but banned. They didn't even put in a reason. Got banned for a stupid glitch with no chance to defend myself. Thx UA. :roll:

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