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MTA:mA General Release Script & Readme v4.14


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[FSL]Jani: !host

<[FSL]Jani's location is 'Little-Haiti Vice-City-Mainland'>

[FSL]Jani: ok...

superbeast: my bike

superbeast: asshole

[FSL]Jani: !host

<[FSL]Jani's host: OMFG-HAX>

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fuck1ng hell jani ure starting to really piss me off with ure fuck1ng useless posts. cant u just STFU already. That was prob just an mIRC string bug.

Also... in the future its prob not the best idea to posy ure host and ip around the place

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  • 3 weeks later...

With the release of 0.5 the latest version of GRS is very near completion. It would have been out sooner but my internet has been down the last 2 days.

Hang tight.. itll be done in a day or 2 ;)

Note: this is semi dependant on whether the current MTA:mA timeout issue is resolved

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v4.00 Released:



File / Size (bytes)

mtama.mrc 210043

mtama.dll 133632

grs.dll 61440

wizard.bmp 21816

admin.ini 859

ping.jpg 31435

splash.jpg 16133




*Global Statistics added (http://www.mta-stats.com)

*Global Statistics dialog added

*Global Statistics netcode protection added

*!gstat script added (works for players out of server)

*/msg stat* added (/msg stat help for more commands)

*Global player registration added

*CRC checker rewritten to v0.5

*Statistics converter to hash tables for massive increase in efficency

*!clanstat script increased efficency (uses hash tables for searching)

*!alias script added

*!alias added for out of server. (Uses hash tables for searching)

*!blacklist script added for admin level 5

*!pmcar script added

*Subnet warnings on MTA join added

*Autologin for admins/members with same IP as last login (on join and MTA:mA connect)

*Admin levels fixed to 1/2/3/4/5 (Automatic adjustment on manual .ini alteration)

*Player join with $ and % signs fixed

*Ping kicked improved for extended periods of time

*!in car feature added

*!list script added

*MTA:mA:GRS Installer replaced mtama.rar download (now mtama.exe)

*Ping Flux added to !ping script

*!unstfu script added for admin level 2

*commands dialog removed (size related issue). Readme contains required information

*illegal MTA-names updated

*!clanban & !clankick fixed to not kick admins of higher level than the kicker/banner

*Identifier $mta.level() added for addon creators

*!skin script added (optional)

*!hp and !car made optional

*!skins script removed

*Idle's kicker repaired

*!fav script updated for all GTA3 Islands

*Readme and Conditions updated

*!setlevel 0 option added for removing admins

*Reset statistics button and unset variables button prompts added

*Return key works on /menu system in appropriate places

*!server script added

*!level added (for admin commands only)

*/msg away option added and viewable with !away

*!pmip script added

Read the readme for deatils.. and the 1st post fo this thread.

Visit http://www.mta-stats.com for the Global Stats Site

Enjoy :)

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After setting up MTA:mA with GRS and working for about 10-15 minutes always gettin the CRC error.

"ERROR: Failed CRC Check"

Reinstall mta and so on... Tryed to make mta.mrc read-only, but it happens again... What to do? A bug or i'm mistaking somewhere?

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v4.01 released.



File / Size (bytes)

mtama.mrc 210654

mtama.dll 133632

grs.dll 61440

wizard.bmp 21816

admin.ini 859

ping.jpg 31435

splash.jpg 16133




*!fav script fixed for compatibility with MTA:mA v3.20

*/msg login fixed for non registered players

*!lagging script added

*!setlevel fixed for setting members

*/msg away fixed

enjoy :)

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File / Size (bytes)

mtama.mrc 215795

mtama.dll 139776

grs.dll 61440

wizard.bmp 21816

admin.ini 883

ping.jpg 31435

splash.jpg 16133




*!lagging <-a/-f> updated

*!clones script added for admin level 1

*ping kicker fixed for admin immunity

*!commands script for admins added

*CRC check rewritten to v.06

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  • 2 weeks later...



File / Size (bytes)

mtama.mrc 229970

mtama.dll 139776

grs.dll 61440

wizard.bmp 21816

admin.ini 907

ping.jpg 31435

splash.jpg 16133




*Challenge script added (optional)

*Multiple challenges possible in same server at once

*Challenges do not interfere with other MTA servers connected with MTA:mA

*!ch added

*Challenge limit option added - !ch (Optional)

*Admin level 5: !ch off added

*!setcommand added for admin level 5

*!alias fixed for results larger than 255 chars

*Carkill kicker fixed for GTA3

*!stat* & !pmstat* updated for MTA:VC Stunt

have fun :)

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thanks for adding more stunt related stuff in 4.03, but do you think you can put some stunt stuff on the global stats too?

also maybe a !ch for stunt mode, where you challenge another player to reach a highscore of say 10,000 and the first person who reaches it wins? basically like the DM version, but you have to get money not kills to win :P

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