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Extremely nasty crashes

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With .4 came a new kind of crash for me, the mega crash. Now of course theres the normal crashes where you just press enter and boom... you're out.

Then you had the big crashes, where you might have to guess your way out with control alt delete, random clicks, lots of button mashing, and perhaps sending your computer into sleep as a last resort.

But now (for me at least) theres a MEGA crash. It freezes and absolutely nothing will works, except sleep mode does work eventually, but it takes about 5-10 minutes to kick in. I've tried one escape-crashed-programs program but it didn't work.

So... all I can ask is does anyone know some good escape-crashed-programs progams? I'm stumped on this one. I've already restarted my computer twice playing MTA.4 yesterday for the first time and I'm not too happy with the idea of keeping that trend going.

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Theres something you can do that makes control alt delete go to this special window where you can reach controlaltdelete and other options but its really annoying because I controlaltdelete alot and its a waste of time to go to that window. When you use it, it forces everything but the desktop wallpaper to disappear so its REALLY annoying and IM NOT DOING THAT JUST FOR 1 GAME.

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Woups didnt add how to.

If you have XP Pro, your in luck. I think it works on home, too. But unsure.

First go to start> Control Panel> User Accounts

Then, the last menu option in the main screen should be "Change how users log on log off" or something simmilar.

From there, check *OFF* "Use Welcome Screen".

Now, when you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL a Menu Diologue box will open up now. As well, a downside I guess, is taht when u log on you wont have the fancy blue bg image login thing were all used to in XP.

Enjoy :)

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my fav 2 are this.

start - r- cmd- enter - alt enter- alt enter

refreshes the res so you can see again (sometimes)

another one

ctrlshiftesc, alt space, m, press an arrow key, move the mouse a bit, press enter you should see a tasks list now (helps if the screen isn't refreshing here too)


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well yeah that would work assumign i had a restart switch.... but if i hold the on button it turns off so thats cool

Omg, just enable Windows 2000 mode in XP, so you get the Win2k style on logon and shutdown, and the "Windows Security blabla's Computer" dialog when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del (which goes over everything), so you can press Task Manager (everything still minimized), and shut down GTA VC.

Give google a search if you wonder how to enable it (it's a registry key).

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