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Not Allowed Characters in Player's Nickname


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I want to make a validation so that if a character that is NOT accepted by MTA as a possible player's nick part it outputs an error.

So like this:

if theNick:find("%W") then 

In that case, it will detect if there are non-alphanumerical characters present.

But how could I make an exeption so that it accepts some non-alphanumerical characters that are allowed by MTA?

For example a player can set his nick to |SW|'~(L)inKin. and MTA will accept it as the player's nick, but it does contain non-alphanumerical characters. Accepted symbols are: \|@#~!"$%&/()[]=?+*-.'

However player's nick cannot contain these symbols: º ñ ç · and some others

So which pattern for string.find should I use in this case?


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I'm not sure if this would work (don't have time to test it) but you could atleast try it.

local charTable = {["\\"] = true, ["|"] = true, ["/"] = true, ["@"] = true, ["#"] = true, ["~"] = true, ["!"] = true, ["\""] = true, ["$"] = true, ["%"] = true, ["&"] = true, ["("] = true, [")"] = true, ["["] = true, ["]"] = true, ["="] = true, ["?"] = true, ["+"] = true, ["-"] = true, ["*"] = true, ["."] = true, ["'"] = true} 
if newNick:find("%W") and not charTable[newNick:find("%W")] then 

Basically you add all the allowed characters in a table, and then check that if a non-alphanumerical character is found and it's not in the table then you cancel it.

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Tested these two examples but any of them is giving a 100% result.

So I was thinking to make a custom table in which I'd put the symbols that are accepted, but how can I check if a character from a string matches with any of the symbols previously defined?

Basically, how can I loop character by character into an string?

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