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something about that clan tells me its a hoax...

namely the fact that 90 percent of the forums were posted on by one man... and that they name oc thier chief rivals :lol:

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most of these guys are already banned at my server for being so damn rude.. and ive had 6 flame emails from this clan too, and some posts in our forums.

I dont like u, i dont want to see u in my server again, so fuck off right about now

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ouch - good point though

considering there are really only 100 or so combinations for vc* gangs (1 or 2 letters afterwards), and we dont want gang names looking for hotmail addresses =P

ill close this one later if there is no updates.. till then dont spam it, or ill start nuking postcounts

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tommorow we are devoting to wars

please have as many members on as possible and talk to me on msn

wel be glad to fight ya ;)

unofficial or otherwise we just wanna fight :o

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Lol guys - VCES>Jedi here, these Gta are such noobs.. You can't play the game without them spoiling it, KOn and Tx are the main ones with Death always pausing (Gta_Death) before db starts..

If you kill Tx or KOn watch out they will make excuses like cheat, lagger, cheat-lagger etc.. Such noobs, just go away Gta.

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