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MTArc Thread.


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Me and [sYK]Phantom have teamed up and putting your heads together for the next version. Here are some features you "might" see:

-Better spam filter

-Ingame commands ex: &add k hello

-Sounds, the message "move out" is selected and a sound would play on the other peoples computer that is connected to the server.

-new ui(user interface) :D

and most bugs fixes.


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-Sounds, the message "move out" is selected and a sound would play on the other peoples computer that is connected to the server.

How does the sound thing work? Will the other people need to have MTArc installed as well?

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-Sounds, the message "move out" is selected and a sound would play on the other peoples computer that is connected to the server.

I can only see this working one of two ways, you have to connect to some central mtarc network server before going onto the gameserver, in which case how do people find it? how do they ensure they only communicate with people n the same game server as them? how do you detect if other players are also connected?

Or you would have to piggyback through the MTA server, something you certainly dont have either the MTA Teams or the server admins permission to do.

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Opium much as we approve of DJGTA's work on this, if it was decided we needed something built in it would be just that, built in. The great thing with mtarc is it provides a bonus, something small but handy that you wouldnt have otherwise.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Am still deciding to use a central server and have romms like mirc or jut have your own server. Am not sure yet.

Sounds can be sent through MIRC with the /sound command.. If a team wants to use sounds, can't they just connect to the same room, a private invite only room if need be and then your script can send the sounds through MIRC at them?

I'm in no way a coder or programmer, no clue how it would be done, but if the ability already exists in a commonly used program, why not take advantage of it?

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it would be easier to just make MTArc have a bunch of preinstalled sounds, (probably sounds from CS :P) and have MTArc listen in the chat console for a certain string with a variable (variable being the shortword for the sound)

EG. MTArc Folder > sounds > fallback.wav

you say in game console, /sound fallback > other clients receive this chat command, MTArc plays the sound fallback.wav

Only problem with that is that you cant keep it for your team only. Any Ideas?

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