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I would VERY much like to build my own MTA game but have no clue where to start .I am amazed that I am even able to get to this point because this website is wayy confusing and making and hosting a game is like trying to learn math in a day

I would really appreciate anyone that is willing to help me out step by step and possibly make some money with me after I get this project started to e-mail me at [email protected] . What I REALLY would like to do is combine gta 3,VC,and SA all into the same server/game but for now lets build the best ENGLISH server out there with a complete set of reasonable rules ,set ways/rules of doing things and the ability to own/sell houses but when people join this server they either must be a casual player and have a normal job in the game or join a specific clan

Thanks Robert

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  • MTA Team

One can not simply write a manual about editing a server. Everyone has different needs and requirement. That is why you document everything that can be changed and how you need to change it and provide that documentation back to the end user. In our case we decided to use a wiki for this. Everything you need is on the wiki. What we don't explain are the basics about programming (be it lua or in general).

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