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[REQ] Paying for a stable non-buggy rpg gamemode.

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Hello, first of all i want to say that im paying with paysafecards, the amount is 50-70$. Well, what i want is like a gamemode with civilian jobs and cops and robbers, possibility of robbing stores and banks, even casinos, somekind of level system for jobs and maybe achievements, restaurants and activities such as gym and bars, possibility of fueling and washing your vehicle. Possibility of driving different kind of licenses and buying vehicles. Also with maybe an own staff kind of admin system with different ranks. Thats something im looking for, dont hesistate to contact me even you wouldn't have some of those. Im not paying by paypal. Im hoping people and moderators can be quiet about the price, i know it is kind of low but there might be hot sellers there. Thanks for reading, here is where you can contact:

-Email: [email protected]

-Skype (Recommended): ohhdzire

Thanks guys, i also accept if someone will make one for me, dont hesistate to contact me! ;)

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