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B~Ware Crew ("No Comment") presents their 2nd stunt vid IWTB

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Our second vid, created by B~Ware Crew (after "No Comment"), is finally done!!!

It took some time 2 create this video, but it's worth it.

This video is even better than "No Comment".

It contains more original stunts, a storyline and some nice spins/gaps :)

B~Ware Crew Proudly presents:

"I want to believe"

Hope u enjoy the video :)

This video is absolutely mod/cheat free.

(All tricks are landed btw)

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Ohw my god! What's this crazy bitch gonna do now? :P8):lol: This is the best video I've ever seen! Woohoo.

I'll give it 10/10 for sound, editing and original stunts.

Man I'm really inpressed. My thanks goes out to all members of the B~Ware stunt-crew and especially to Zomlan for his great editing and also to Ramon for his insane stunts.

Keep it up guys. I'm already looking forward towards your next video. :P8)

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HOLY SHIT! i think this is my new no1, in the end i was like "wtf? already over?" didnt even realised that it was 12 minutes long <-- thats always a good sign

what else can i say? GIMME MORE! NOW! :)

i agree NosGoth, its a shame they only got 3 replies till yet :? but hey, just wait till Prokopis watches the vid, than youll get a 100 lines post :lol:

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HOLY SHIT! i think this is my new no1, in the end i was like "wtf? already over?" didnt even realised that it was 12 minutes long <-- thats always a good sign

what else can i say? GIMME MORE! NOW! :)

i agree NosGoth, its a shame they only got 3 replies till yet :? but hey, just wait till Prokopis watches the vid, than youll get a 100 lines post :lol:

iamwithstupid.gif8) What |2ebel said! 8)iamwithstupid.gif

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I'm very glad, u guys like the vid. :D :D :D :D :D :D

We really want to make a next vid, but it could take a while, to create a vid that is even better (or equal), than/to this.

It's hard to find good/ original spots. But we're working on it.

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Downloading...I will give my review after I watch.


AHHHHH no! no! no! Why the matrix music at that one part? It is soooo overused. Those matrix songs have not only been run into the ground....they have come out on the other side of earth and have shot a trillion miles into space. I realize you wanted to have it to go with the story, but there really isn't a story there. I will go more into that later.


Very nice, lots of new stunts in this video. I especially liked the stunts that took place at 7:08 and 8:00. The editing was ok. Don't use so many different transitions. Simple cuts are always a sure-fire hit. The music seemed ok (except the matrix), but it didn't add much to the video itself. I liked the stunt where you pushed the bike off the ledge a bit and then got on the vehicle as it went down, reminiscent of my video "Vice City Tribute" :lol:

Also, you had a good idea for the closing credits but you didn't follow-through with your idea. You tried to get good cinematic shots but you would record yourself slowly going down in the helicopter in first person (which was good) but then you would go back up to try to do it again. Why didn't you just do one clean top to bottom shot instead of showing two takes at once.

In my video "Vice City: Miss This," the opening shot is all first person in a helicopter. I must have done it 50 times or more before I got it like a wanted it, using a flight joystick. But, you don't need a flight joystick to do what you were trying to do.

Its little things like that that brought the video down. Pay attention to detail!

Also, the story was kind of funny, but nothing happened. When I first saw Ken Rosenberg as Morpheus, I kind of laughed but it wasn't really funny....it was just weird.

Ohw my god! What's this crazy bitch gonna do now? :P8):lol: This is the best video I've ever seen! Woohoo.

I'll give it 10/10 for sound, editing and original stunts.

Man I'm really inpressed.

I definitely don't think it was a 10/10. The "10/10 video" hasn't been made yet. If that was a 10/10, then you need to raise your expectations a lot. For instance, I liked my last video a lot (the community stunt video). I believe that the only part that brought it down was a few stunts that weren't very good. I waited two months for better ones but never got them, so I went ahead and released it.

Overall, your video was a lot better than 90% of the other stunt videos out there.

P.S.- Mind if I post it on my website?

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Not a bad video. ID giv it 7/10 as visibility was a bit poor in places and the Matrix snippets were a bitlong. Overall not a bad movie.Looking 4ward 2 ur next 1

Just out of interest where did u get the Gta Vice CIty font from?

Can any1 giv me a link?


8) TmM_Ryan 8)

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yeah - I told d8cam about the vid, is definantly newsworthy as Its one of the better vids ive seen in a while

Most comments have already been made, but all my once exclusive stunts and areas are being taken =P

happens 2 me all the time :)

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1 problem i cant seem to download the file

i click the link then click the "download this file" button then it goes to the home page

and under where it says download this file it says the file is 566Kbs :?::?::?::?:

and i tryed the gta planet site and i get a error cannot find file :?::?:

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