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Hello guys,

I need a little help with my Server. I have a Stealth Server, Called |TSA| Stealth Clan Server. The problem that i'm having is that actually when I try to script the "scores" script I end up getting lost, I have no idea what to do. So I am asking, does anyone have a Script for "scores" that has "Alive" written on the Scoreboard when the player is "Alive" and 1 Kill instead of 2 when the Client Dies, kills himself? Please guys, I would really appreciate it, and I have no idea what to do.



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Thanks for the reply, but the answer to my question couldn't be seen in the link you sent me. It just talks about the Columns in the "Scores" script, where I am talking about the codes, how to modify the kills/deaths amount and how to add a "Alive" to the "Status" .. "Dead" is only there, I am not sure how to add "Alive".. Please help, thanks.

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