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MTAMA Scripting


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Try this:

alias mta.kill {
 if (($mta.kills($1,$2) == 30) && ($mta.deaths($1,$2) == 00)) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) , you are suspected of unsing cheats (reason: 30 kills and 0 deaths), if I am mistaken , sorry !
   mta.kick $1 $2

Why the $2 and $3 in kills... that are 2 different players.. I suggest using only one. Taking the killed number of kills and the killers deaths is not what you want i think :)

Using right brackets, { and } , is required as well if there are more line within the if statement. Hope this is what you want

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How make such script to for example: player #Cube(RP)* can join to server only than when his IP = xxx.xxx.xx.xx ??

Can you help me ??

alias mta.join {
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == #Cube(RP)*) && ($mta.ip($2,$2)  != xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch.
   mta.kick $1 $2

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Ok guys, i've put a load of scripts together and i thought i done it right but obviously i didn't, this is a bit big but if anyone can fix for me i would be grateful!

alias mta.join {

/set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime


if ($exist(welcome.ini)) {

mta.say $1 Hi $mta.name($1,$2) und wilkommen auf dem Server

mta.say $1 visit us at www.[ZENSORED].xx


elseif ($len($mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) {

mta.ban $1 $2





alias mta.kill {

/mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) survived for $duration($calc($ctime - %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) )

/set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime


elseif ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 20) mta.say $1 Now $mta.name($1,$3) is on a warmup!

if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 50) mta.say $1 Now $mta.name($1,$3) has reached 50 kills!

if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 30) mta.say $1 Now $mta.name($1,$3) has reached 100 kills and is turning elite!



alias mta.text {

if (($mta.name($1,$2) == DaNThANuTTa) && ($3 == !shutdown)) {

mta.say $1 10 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 60 mta.say $1 9 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 120 mta.say $1 8 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 180 mta.say $1 7 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 240 mta.say $1 6 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 300 mta.say $1 5 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 360 mta.say $1 4 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 420 mta.say $1 3 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 480 mta.say $1 2 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 540 mta.say $1 1 mins for shutdown.

.timer 1 600 mta.say $1 Server Shutdown.

.timer 1 600 mta.shutdown $1



elseif ($4 != $null) {

mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4) - ID: $4 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$4) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$4)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game)


else mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game)


elseif ($3 == !votekick) {

(%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {

if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini,"),ID $+ $4)) {

set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4

set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null

mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1


else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick <#ID">


else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])


if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {

if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {

%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2

mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!

mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off



else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted



elseif ($3 == !countdown) {

mta.say $1 Count down!

.timer 1 1 mta.say $1 5

.timer 1 2 mta.say $1 4

.timer 1 3 mta.say $1 3

.timer 1 4 mta.say $1 2

.timer 1 5 mta.say $1 1

.timer 1 6 mta.say $1 GO go go go!


alias mta.vote {

mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]


alias mta.admin {

if ($2 == !welcome on) {

writeini -n welcome.ini on

mta.say Wilkommenstext aktiviert


elseif ($2 == !welcome off) {

.remove welcome.ini

mta.say Wilkommenstext deaktiviert


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hi :D

How make such script to for example: player #Cube(RP)* can join to server only than when his IP = xxx.xxx.xx.xx ??

Can you help me ??

alias mta.join {
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == #Cube(RP)*) && ($mta.ip($2,$2)  != xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch.
   mta.kick $1 $2

This code is not working on my server,

My mirc gives a warning : */mta.getip: insufficient parameters :cry:

Can someone tel me what i doing wrong ?

I have past the script direct under mta.join

; Person $2 joins server $1
alias mta.join {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID

alias mta.join { 
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == (ZC)James) && ($mta.ip($2,$2)  != { 
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch. 
   mta.kick $1 $2 

 if ( $mta.name($1,$2) == Unknown || $2 > $mta.maxplayers($1) ) {
   mta.dis $1 Unknows detected!
   mta.con $1    


Help!! :shock:

Grz Michael / (ZC)James

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I have problem with one script:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1-2) 
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


My problem is that when I logging an admin say:"Admin rights given to Unknown"

And then i can kick player but i can't use the rest of the scripts

Can some1 halp me ?

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Hey guys, i finally got my script working, and then it fu*ked up again. I dunno whether you can sort it but it's just one little prob on it. Please spot it!!

alias mta.pm {

if (password == $3) {

.writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 oper 1

mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2)


if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) >= 5)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Please do not use caps!

mta.kick $1 $2



alias mta.join {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Welcome to DaNThANuTTa's Ultimate Stunt Server!

mta.say $1 Please visit my website http://www.danthanutta.instantws.com!



alias mta.text {

if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) > 5)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Caps usage

mta.kick $1 $2


if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) {

if ($3 == !kick) {

mta.kick $1 $4


if ($3 == !ban) {

mta.ban $1 $4



if (!stats iswm $3) {

if ($4 isnum) mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4) - ID: $4 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$4) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$4)) - Status: $iif($mta.status($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game)

else mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.status($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game)


if ($3 == !ping) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) +$ , your ping is: $mta.ping($1,$2)


if ($3 == !players) {

var %a = 0,%b,%c

while %a < 26 {

if ($mta.game($1,%a) == 1) {

!inc %b


if ($mta.game($1,%a) == 2) {

!inc %c

!inc %a



mta.say $1 $mta.maxplayers($1) player server, $mta.players($1) $+ / $+ $mta.maxplayers($1) $+ , %a player(s) ingame, %b player(s) outgame.


if ($3 == !admin) {

var %a = 0,%b

while %a < 26 {

if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) %b = %b $mta.name($1,$2)

!inc %a


mta.say $1 Current admins: %b


if (!count* iswm $3) {

mta.say $1 Countdown!

.timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 5

.timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 4

.timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 3

.timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 2

.timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 1

.timerc6 1 6 mta.say $1 GO GO GO!


if ($3 == !votekick) {

if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {

if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini"),ID $+ $4)) {

set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4

set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null

mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1


else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick "


else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])


if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {

if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {

%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2

mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!

mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off



else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted



alias mta.vote {

mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]


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I have problem with one script:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1-2)
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


My problem is that when I logging an admin say:"Admin rights given to Unknown"

And then i can kick player but i can't use the rest of the scripts

Can some1 halp me ?

your answer is:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2) 
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


not (1-2) , but (1,2)


EDIT: need a $2 instead of regular 2 as well :)

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Hey guys, i finally got my script working, and then it fu*ked up again. I dunno whether you can sort it but it's just one little prob on it. Please spot it!!
alias mta.pm {

if (password == $3) {

.writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 oper 1

mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2)


if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) >= 5)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Please do not use caps!

mta.kick $1 $2



alias mta.join {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Welcome to DaNThANuTTa's Ultimate Stunt Server!

mta.say $1 Please visit my website http://www.danthanutta.instantws.com!



alias mta.text {

if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) > 5)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Caps usage

mta.kick $1 $2


if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) {

if ($3 == !kick) {

mta.kick $1 $4


if ($3 == !ban) {

mta.ban $1 $4



if (!stats iswm $3) {

if ($4 isnum) mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4) - ID: $4 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$4) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$4)) - Status: $iif($mta.status($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game)

else mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.status($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game)


if ($3 == !ping) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) +$ , your ping is: $mta.ping($1,$2)


if ($3 == !players) {

var %a = 0,%b,%c

while %a < 26 {

if ($mta.game($1,%a) == 1) {

!inc %b


if ($mta.game($1,%a) == 2) {

!inc %c

!inc %a



mta.say $1 $mta.maxplayers($1) player server, $mta.players($1) $+ / $+ $mta.maxplayers($1) $+ , %a player(s) ingame, %b player(s) outgame.


if ($3 == !admin) {

var %a = 0,%b

while %a < 26 {

if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) %b = %b $mta.name($1,$2)

!inc %a


mta.say $1 Current admins: %b


if (!count* iswm $3) {

mta.say $1 Countdown!

.timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 5

.timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 4

.timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 3

.timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 2

.timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 1

.timerc6 1 6 mta.say $1 GO GO GO!


if ($3 == !votekick) {

if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {

if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini"),ID $+ $4)) {

set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4

set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null

mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1


else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick "


else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])


if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {

if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {

%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2

mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!

mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off



else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted



alias mta.vote {

mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]


well one problem is here:

  if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) {
   if ($3 == !kick) {
    mta.kick $1 $4 
   if ($3 == !ban) {
    mta.ban $1 $4

i personnal dont have a } after mta.kick $1 $4, like this:

  if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) {
   if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
   if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4

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This code is not working on my server,

My mirc gives a warning : */mta.getip: insufficient parameters :cry:

I suggest you search this topic for the mta.getip function.. If something doens't work... UTFS!

i have only that problem if i past that script in trou my scripts.mrc

So if ill removed it then mirc say noting

how can i fix the problem :cry:

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sry i had to repeat this: does anybody have an script that contains the function !alias, that views all names that a player has used on 1 ip?

Ask [FMJ]Oli.

Hey guys, i finally got my script working, and then it fu*ked up again. I dunno whether you can sort it but it's just one little prob on it. Please spot it!!


alias mta.pm {
 ;Set  to your real password
 if (admin  == $3-) {
   .writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 oper 1
   mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2)
 if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) >= 5)) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Please do not use caps!
   mta.kick $1 $2

alias mta.join {
 mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Welcome to DaNThANuTTa's Ultimate Stunt Server!
 mta.say $1 Please visit my website www.danthanutta.instantws.com!

alias mta.text {
 if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) > 5)) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Caps usage
   mta.kick $1 $2
 if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) {
   if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
   if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4
 if (!stats* iswm $3) {
   if ($4 isnum) mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4) - ID: $4 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$4) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$4)) - Status: $iif($mta.status($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game)
   else mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.status($1,$2) == 1,Out Game,In Game)
 if ($3 == !ping) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , your ping is: $mta.ping($1,$2)
 if ($3 == !players) {
   var %a = 0,%b,%c
   while %a < 26 {
     if ($mta.game($1,%a) == 1) !inc %b
     if ($mta.game($1,%a) == 2) !inc %c
     inc %a
   mta.say $1 $mta.maxplayers($1) player server, $mta.players($1) $+ / $+ $mta.maxplayers($1) $+ , %a player(s) ingame, %b player(s) outgame.
 if ($3 == !admin) {
   var %a = 0,%b
   while %a < 26 {
     if ($readini($+($nofile($script(mta.mrc)),$1,.ini),ID $+ $2,oper)) %b = %b $mta.name($1,$2)
     !inc %a
   mta.say $1 Current admins: %b
 if (!count* iswm $3) {
   mta.say $1 Countdown!
   .timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 5
   .timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 4
   .timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 3
   .timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 2
   .timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 1
   .timerc6 1 6 mta.say $1 GO GO GO!
 if ($3 == !votekick) {
   if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {
     if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini"),ID $+ $4)) {
       set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4
       set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null
       mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]
       .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1
     else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick "
   else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
 if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {
   if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {
     %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2
     mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
     if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {
       mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!
       mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
       unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
       unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
       .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off
   else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted
alias mta.vote {
 mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
 unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
 unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

This code is not working on my server,

My mirc gives a warning : */mta.getip: insufficient parameters :cry:

Sorry I made a typo.


alias mta.join {
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == #Cube(RP)*) && ($mta.ip($1,$2)  != xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch.
   mta.kick $1 $2

This code is not working on my server,

My mirc gives a warning : */mta.getip: insufficient parameters :cry:

Can someone tel me what i doing wrong ?

I have past the script direct under mta.join

; Person $2 joins server $1
alias mta.join {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID

alias mta.join { 
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == (ZC)James) && ($mta.ip($2,$2)  != { 
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch. 
   mta.kick $1 $2 

 if ( $mta.name($1,$2) == Unknown || $2 > $mta.maxplayers($1) ) {
   mta.dis $1 Unknows detected!
   mta.con $1    


Help!! :shock:

Grz Michael / (ZC)James

Paste it IN the alias not outside:

; Person $2 joins server $1
alias mta.join {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID

alias mta.join { 
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == (ZC)James) && ($mta.ip($2,$2)  != { 
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch. 
   mta.kick $1 $2 
 if ($mta.name($1,$2) == Unknown) || ($2 > $mta.maxplayers($1)) {
   mta.dis $1 Unknowns detected!
   mta.con $1    

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I have problem with one script:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1-2)
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


My problem is that when I logging an admin say:"Admin rights given to Unknown"

And then i can kick player but i can't use the rest of the scripts

Can some1 halp me ?

your answer is:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2) 
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


not (1-2) , but (1,2)


EDIT: need a $2 instead of regular 2 as well :)

THX opium now i can log on but the rest of scripts dont work :(:P

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Can i request a split up of this topic? Many people are asking me for some scripts, and if i refer to this page, they can't find it.

Also the search only gives the topic, not the right page.. It's getting quite annoing.

Or Aeron could start a froum for MTAMA scripting questions only, i think there are enough questions...


P.S. My server has been reconnected by my ISP, and i'm working on a new version of my scripts.. Any suggestions?

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I have problem with one script:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1-2)
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


My problem is that when I logging an admin say:"Admin rights given to Unknown"

And then i can kick player but i can't use the rest of the scripts

Can some1 halp me ?

your answer is:

alias mta.pm { 
if ($3- == admin ) { 
 mta.say $1 Admin rights given to $mta.name($1,$2) 
 writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") ID $+ $2 op 1 

and in mta.txt

alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 


not (1-2) , but (1,2)


EDIT: need a $2 instead of regular 2 as well :)

THX opium now i can log on but the rest of scripts dont work :(:P

well then there is even more problems with your script that u didnt post, u could PM me the script or post it here

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Hey Aeron, i don't want to remove your title i just want to add one of my own. And not to replace yours. In scripts.mrc what would be the code for !info and then i can have my own message saying m message or my script that will comeup with your title at same time.


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the |Halt command was removed in version 2.011, so if u add ure own !info part it will not cancel the default MTAmA info response.

an !alias script:

under mta.join:

    if ($mta.name($1,$2) == $mta.name($1,$2)) {
     if ($readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$2))) {
       if ($mta.name($1,$2) $+ , !isin $readini(Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$2)) $+ ,) {
         writeini -n "Alias.ini" IP $mta.ip($1,$2) $readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$2)) $+ , $mta.name($1,$2)
     else {
       writeini -n "Alias.ini" IP $mta.ip($1,$2) $mta.name($1,$2)

kinda crude i know, but it works.

Under mta.text:

  if ($3 == !aliases) {
   if ($4 != $null) {  
     if ($readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$mta.getid($1,$4)))) {
       mta.say $1 Aliases used by $mta.name($1,$mta.getid($1,$4)) $+ : $readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$mta.getid($1,$4)))
   else {
     mta.say $1 Syntax: !aliases 

thre u go

Edited by Guest
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