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MTAMA Scripting


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Open your scripts.mirc or make a new one. And add this below :

alias mta.start {

alias mta.join {

if (($chr(1) isin $mta.name($1,$2)) || ($chr(255) isin $mta.name($1,$2)) || ($chr(7) isin $mta.name($1,$2))) { 
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Color Codes 
   mta.kick $1 $2 

alias mta.part {

alias mta.text { 
 if (!stats == $3) { 
   if ($4 isnum) mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4) - ID: $4 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$4) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$4) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$4) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$4)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game) 
   else mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - ID: $2 - Ping: $mta.ping($1,$2) - Kills: $mta.kills($1,$2) - Deaths: $mta.deaths($1,$2) - Online: $duration($mta.online($1,$2)) - Status: $iif($mta.game($1,$4) == 1,Out Game,In Game) 

 if ($3 == !lag) { 
   if ($5 == $null) mta.say $1 Syntax: !lag 
   else { 
     mta.say $1 Lagtime $mta.name($1,$4) - $mta.name($1,$5) $+ : $calc($mta.ping($1,$4) / 2 + $mta.ping($1,$5) / 2) 

 if (!idle == $3) { 
   if ($4 != $null) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) is idle for $duration($mta.idle($1,$4)) 
   else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Give up a ID number: !idle 

 if (!count* iswm $3) { 
   mta.say $1 Countdown! 
   .timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 5 
   .timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 4 
   .timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 3 
   .timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 2 
   .timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 1 
   .timerc6 1 6 mta.say $1 GO GO GO! 

alias mta.kill {

alias mta.admin {

alias mta.action {

alias mta.pm {

alias mta.connect {

alias mta.disconnect {


; Thats how u add scripts ok just make sure u put em in the right alias ;)

; all those scripts was on this thread, now u should no how to ADD them

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got to work now :)

Aeron you told me to post on forums the scripts i wanted to be as 1.

well its the Lifetimer, Statusflooder, Votekick and caps kick

Here ya go:

alias mta.join {
 msg %mychan @ $mta.name($1,$2) joined the game 
 set %name. [ $+ [ $replace($mta.name($1,$2), $chr(32), _) ] ] $2 
 set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime 
alias mta.part { 
 msg %mychan @ $mta.name($1,$2) left the game 
 unset %name. [ $+ [ $replace($mta.name($1,$2), $chr(32), _) ] ] 
alias mta.kill { 
 mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) survived for $duration($calc($ctime - %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) ) 
 set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime
if ($3 == 255  || ($3 == 254) msg %mychan @ $mta.name($1,$2) died
 elseif $3 != $2 msg %mychan @ $mta.name($1,$3) killed $mta.name($1,$2) and has now $mta.kills($1,$3) kills
 elseif $2 == $3 msg %mychan @ $mta.name($1,$2) killed himself
alias mta.admin { msg %mychan @ Admin: $2- } 
alias mta.action { msg %mychan @ * $mta.name($1,$2) $3- } 
alias mta.pm {
 msg %mychan @ PM: $mta.name($1,$2) -> $3 $+ : $4-
 if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) > 5)) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Caps usage
   mta.kick $1 $2
alias mta.text {
 msg %mychan @ $mta.name($1,$2) $+ : $3- 
 if (($calc($len($3-) - $len($removecs($3-,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z))) >= $calc($len($3-) * 0.5)) && ($len($3-) > 5)) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Caps usage
   mta.kick $1 $2
 if ($3 == !votekick) {
   if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {
     if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini"),ID $+ $4)) {
       set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4
       set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null
       mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]
       .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1
     else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick "
   else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
 if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {
   if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {
     %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2
     mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
     if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {
       mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!
       mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
       unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
       unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
       .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off
   else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted
alias mta.vote {
 mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
 unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
 unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
on 1:text:!say*:#:{ 
 if ( ( $chan == %mychan ) && ( $nick isop $chan ) ) { 
   /mta.say 1 $nick @ $chan $+ : $2- 
on 1:text:!kick*:#:{ 
 if ( ( $chan == %mychan ) && ( $nick isop $chan ) ) { 
   /mta.say 1 Kicking $mta.name(1, [ [ $var(%name. [ $+ * $+ [ $2 ] $+ * $+ ] ,1) ] ] ) / Reason: $3- 
   /mta.kick 1 [ [ $var(%name. [ $+ * $+ [ $2 ] $+ * $+ ] ,1) ] ] 
alias ssay { 
 /mta.say 1 $me @ $chan $+ : $1- 

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Oh and it must not kick [OC]-people in the server thx :D:lol:

Thats something i don't really understand? [OC]Member with a too high ping does lag too or am i wrong? :wink: I think it's better that all admins can't be kicked... :)

Uhm I got another question: Can someone tell me if it's possible to count the suicides?

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Here is a new version these are count how must visits the visitor has done and hi count the total visits from every player

; Visitor Counter V1.2 
alias mta.join {
 set %visits $calc($readini("MTAStats.ini",visits,$mta.name($1,$2)) + 1)
 writeini -n "MTAStats.ini" visits $mta.name($1,$2) %visits
 set %totalvisits $calc($readini("MTAStats.ini",totalvisits,total) + 1)
 writeini -n "MTAStats.ini" totalvisits total %totalvisits
 mta.say $1 Welcome $mta.name($1,$2) total visits $calc($readini("MTAstats.ini",visits,$mta.name( $1 , $2 ))) 
 mta.say $1 This server has been visit for $calc($readini("MTAstats.ini",totalvisits,total)) times

Grz Michael :D

Eey michael

Ik plaats hem in mijn scripts onder die alias.mta.join maar hij werkt niet kun je me ff helpen plz


another idiot

Ok srry then but i onlt wonmt help i talk english before okay !?

And have someone a Working Warn script for me ?? :)

My warn script is posted in this thread if im right. Its about 8 pages back or so.

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andy i juat made AND TESTED this script and it works, if it doesnt for u then uve got a prob with mirc or mtama:

alias mta.start { 
 .timerping 0 10 checkpings

alias mta.join {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID
if ( $mta.name($1,$2) == Unknown || $2 > $mta.maxplayers($1) ) {
mta.dis $1 Unknows detected!
mta.con $1

 %isoc. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] = false
 set %isoc. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] false

 if ( $chr(36) isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) { 
   mta.say $1 $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) , dollar signs are not allowed. Please remove it before joining
   mta.kick $1 $2

 elseif ( $chr(32) isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) { 
   mta.say $1 $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) , spaces are not allowed in nickname. Please remove it before joining
   mta.kick $1 $2
 elseif ( [OC] isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) {
   mta.say $1 OC Member $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) joined!
   %isoc. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] = true

 unset %ping. [ [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ ] * 
 unset %averageping. [ [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] ]


alias mta.part {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID
 ;$3- = Reason

 %isoc. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] = false
 set %isoc. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] false

alias mta.text {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID
 ;$3- = Text
 if ( (!setping isin $3) && ( [OC] isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) ) {
   if ( $4 isnum ) {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) set the max ping to $4
     set %max $4
   else {
     Syntax: !setping 

 elseif ( $3 == !max ) {
   mta.say $1 Max ping: %max

 if ($3 == !ping) {
   if ($4 == $null) {
      mta.say $1 $mta.name( $1 , $2 ), your ping is $mta.ping( $1 , $2 ) . Average  $round(%averageping. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ],0)
   else {
      mta.say $1 The ping of $mta.name( $1 , $4 ) is $mta.ping( $1 , $4 ) . Average  $round(%averageping. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $4 ] ],0)

alias mta.kill {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID
 ;$3 = Killer ID

alias mta.admin {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2- = Text
alias mta.action {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID
 ;$3- = Text

alias mta.pm {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2 = Player ID
 ;$3 = Player's Nick
 ;$3- = Text
alias mta.connect {
 ;$1 = Server
 set %online. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] true
alias mta.disconnect {
 ;$1 = Server
 ;$2- = Reason

 unset %online. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

alias checkpings { 
 set %server 0
 if ( %max == $null ) echo -a Maximum ping not set, pingkick off  
 set %ping_counter $calc( %ping_counter + 1 )
 if ( %ping_counter > 12 ) {
   set %ping_counter 0
 while ( %server < 9 ) {   	   
   if ( %online. [ $+ [ %server ] ] == true ) {     
     set %playerid 0
     while ( %playerid < 27 ) {
       set %ping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] $+ . $+ [ %ping_counter ] ] $mta.ping( %server , %playerid )    
       set %dummy 0
       set %totalping 0
       while ( %dummy < 13 ) {
         inc %totalping %ping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] $+ . $+ [ %dummy ] ]
         inc %dummy 1
       set %averageping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ] $round($calc( %totalping / 13 ) , 0 )
       ;echo -a  %averageping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ]
       if ( %averageping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ] > %max ) {
         echo -a %server Kicking $mta.name( %server, %playerid ) for a ping of %averageping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ] , maximum is %max
         if ( %isoc. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ] == false || !%isoc. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ] ) {
           mta.say %server Kicking $mta.name( %server, %playerid ) for ping > %max
           mta.kick %server %playerid
           unset %averageping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ]
           unset %ping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] $+ ] *
       ;echo -a %server - %playerid -  %averageping. [ $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ %playerid ] ]
       inc %playerid 1 
   inc %server 1 
 unset %server

Edited by Guest
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a) this is not english above

b) yes, that script is stolen

c) yes, i wrote it

d) yes, it has to be removed, you copied it without aknowledgements

e) yes, it was free for download for all

f) the script that is on my server has many improvements

So.. an a mod/admin remove it.. i'll post a link to the script right after the removal (and after my server has been reconnected by my ISP.. another attack on my server)


damn.. this is first-version of the script, with all my own comments in it.. thought i gave it to a person i could trust.. NOT


Hm.. Mr (cc)Rambo changed a few things in the script.. it's all wrong, full of errors... please don't use this one.

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Yes, it is, i thought.

Just try it. If i remember correctly a suicide is a normal kill, with killer and killed the same.. just compare and log. there is no war as far as i know to read out the amount. I rested it with a /kill and a

 echo -a $mta.name( $1 , $3 ) $3 killed $mta.name( $1 , $2 ) $2

in mirc. The 'x died' you have to try for yourself

Q to Aeron:

Why am i remembering id's of 254 and 255? Was that the old mtama??

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a) this is not english above

b) yes, that script is stolen

c) yes, i wrote it

d) yes, it has to be removed, you copied it without aknowledgements

e) yes, it was free for download for all

f) the script that is on my server has many improvements

So.. an a mod/admin remove it.. i'll post a link to the script right after the removal (and after my server has been reconnected by my ISP.. another attack on my server)


damn.. this is first-version of the script, with all my own comments in it.. thought i gave it to a person i could trust.. NOT


Hm.. Mr (cc)Rambo changed a few things in the script.. it's all wrong, full of errors... please don't use this one.

I have something to explain.

A friend of my (now he is a ex-friend) has my pass and he did this on MY computer thats the worst and he places the scripts im REALLY SORRY for that and for Harry Harry SORRY :cry:

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*comes back to life from not being here for so long

i am looking for a script, i have got a shitlist, but i want to add more users to the shitlist, and allow others (admins) to add the too, i.e.

 elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == !kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !ban) mta.ban $1 $4 
 if ($3 == !shitlist) mta.say $1 successfully added $mta.name($1,$4) to shitlist. mta.ban $1 $4


what would i put after shitlist to write a name to it?

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im working on a .ini, here is what i have so far, it is wrong i know, been tested

alias mta.join { 
if ($read(shitlist.ini,w,$mta.name($1,$2))) { 
   mta.say $1 Banning $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Shit-listed 
   mta.ban $1 $2 
alias mta.text {
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == @kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == @ban) mta.ban $1 $4 
if ($3 == @shitlist) mta.say $1 successfully added $mta.name($1,$4) to shitlist. 
writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$shitlist.ini") mta.name($1,$4) 
mta.ban $1 $4 

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When i type any command say coz i have my own commands such as !Bmf it comes up with the actual content then something else after it like this..

elseif (!BmF == $3) {

mta.say $1 BaD MuFa FuCKerS - Shooting/Stunting Clan. http://www.danthanutta.instantws.com


then after that this..

if mta.kill && BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Is not Owning anymore, $mta.name($1,$2) Lived for $duration($calc($ctime - %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) )

/set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime


and from the !bmf bit to the owning bit it's quite far away..

elseif (!BmF == $3) {

mta.say $1 BaD MuFa FuCKerS - Shooting/Stunting Clan. http://www.danthanutta.instantws.com


elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && (!cheat isin $3-)) {

if ($4 != $null) {

mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4)

mta.say $1 Sorry!, You are Banned For 24Hours!

mta.ban $1 $4


elseif (!scripts == $3) {

mta.say $1 !stats (free for all) - !v@ (free for all) - !scripts (free for all) - !ping (V@ only) - !votekick (V@ only)-!count (V@ only )- !game (V@ only)

!players ([bMF] only )- !idle - !lag


elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && (!flood isin $3-)) {

if ($4 != $null) {

mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4)

mta.say $1 Sorry You're Kicked for FLOODING!

mta.kick $1 $4



elseif (fuck isin $3-) {

mta.say $1 Kicked $mta.name($1,$2) for saying an inapropriate word.

mta.kick $1 $2


elseif (fucking isin $3-) {

mta.say $1 Kicked $mta.name($1,$2) for saying an inapropriate word.

mta.kick $1 $2


if (!admin isin $3-) {

/msg [bmF]DeFToNe admin required on server $1


elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && (!idle == $3)) {

if ($4 != $null) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) is idle for $duration($mta.idle($1,$4))

else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Give up a ID number: !idle


elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && (!kick isin $3-)) {

if ($4 != $null) {

mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4)

mta.say $1 Sorry You're Kicked!

mta.kick $1 $4



elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && (!script isin $3-)) {

if ($4 != $null) {

mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4)

mta.say $1 Miss Use Of Scripts!

mta.kick $1 $4



elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && (!ban isin $3-)) {

if ($4 != $null) {

mta.say $1 Name: $mta.name($1,$4)

mta.say $1 Sorry Your Banned!

mta.ban $1 $4



elseif ((BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) && ($3 == !lag)) {

if ($5 == $null) mta.say $1 Syntax: !lag

else {

mta.say $1 Lagtime $mta.name($1,$4) - $mta.name($1,$5) $+ : $calc($mta.ping($1,$4) / 2 + $mta.ping($1,$5) / 2)




alias mta.vote {

mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]


alias mta.kill {

;$1 = Server

;$2 = Player ID

;$3 = Killer ID

if mta.kill && BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Is not Owning anymore, $mta.name($1,$2) Lived for $duration($calc($ctime - %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) )

/set %life. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $ctime


Help please???

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im still waitin for a response to mine :roll: FIX?

alias mta.join { 
if ($read(shitlist.ini,w,$mta.name($1,$2))) { 
   mta.say $1 Banning $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Shit-listed 
   mta.ban $1 $2 
alias mta.text { 
if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
 if ($3 == @kick) mta.kick $1 $4 
 if ($3 == @ban) mta.ban $1 $4 
if ($3 == @shitlist) mta.say $1 successfully added $mta.name($1,$4) to shitlist. 
writeini $+(",$scriptdir,$shitlist.ini") mta.name($1,$4) 
mta.ban $1 $4 

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ill do it in a few mins and edit this post with it when done

EDIT - done it now, here it is:

alias mta.join { 
 if ($read(shitlist.txt,w,$mta.name($1,$2))) { 
   mta.say $1 Banning $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Shit-listed 
   mta.ban $1 $2 

alias mta.text { 
 if ($readini($scriptdir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,op)) { 
   if ($3 == !kick) {
     if ($4 != $null) {
       if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) {
         mta.say $1 ID $4 not present, unable to kick
       else {
         mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) kicked by $mta.name($1,$2)
         mta.kick $1 $4 
     else {
       mta.say $1 Error - Syntax: !kick 
   if ($3 == !ban) {
     if ($4 != $null) {
       if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) {
         mta.say $1 ID $4 not present, unable to kick
       else {
         mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) banned by $mta.name($1,$2)
         mta.ban $1 $4 
     else {
       mta.say $1 Error - Syntax: !kick 
   if ($3 == !shitlist) {
     if ($4 != $null) {
       if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) {
         mta.say $1 ID $4 not present, unable to kick
       else {
         mta.say $1 successfully added $mta.name($1,$4) to shitlist. 
         write shitlist.txt mta.name($1,$4) 
         mta.ban $1 $4
     else {
       mta.say $1 Error - Syntax: !shitlist 

Your use of the .ini format was the problem. To just store a list of names or whatever u can just use .txt. .ini has to be of a certain format:


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When i type any command say coz i have my own commands such as !Bmf it comes up with the actual content then something else after it like this..

if mta.kill && BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2) {

please read the help of the if statement.. This one is completely incorrect.

I think it should be something like:

if (BmF isin $mta.name($1,$2)) { 

in mta.kill... You can't use mta.kill as a polling variable.

BTW: sorry Opium, couldn't answer quicker, trouble with my ISP.. But thanks to Oli for helping him ;)

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ok so im a huge noob, I read all this shit and stole a code posted here to get the countdown working, and it does, I tried to modify the code so that if I typed !rules it would list the rules, but its not seaming to work.

I cut out part of the script, its right under the countdown that does work.


 if (!count* iswm $3) { 
   mta.say $1 Countdown! 
   .timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 5 
   .timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 4 
   .timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 3 
   .timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 2 
   .timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 1 
   .timerc6 1 6 mta.say $1 GO GO GO! 

 if (!rules* iswm $3) { 
   mta.say $1 Rules 
   .timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 No Killing
   .timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 No Jacking
   .timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 Dont Be an Ass
   .timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 Have Fun
   .timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 Mod all you want


shouldnt that work?

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if (!count* isin $3) { 
   mta.say $1 Countdown! 
   .timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 5 
   .timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 4 
   .timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 3 
   .timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 2 
   .timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 1 
   .timerc6 1 6 mta.say $1 GO GO GO! 
 elseif (!rules* isin $3) { 
   mta.say $1 Rules 
   .timerc1 1 1 mta.say $1 No Killing 
   .timerc2 1 2 mta.say $1 No Jacking 
   .timerc3 1 3 mta.say $1 Dont Be an Ass 
   .timerc4 1 4 mta.say $1 Have Fun 
   .timerc5 1 5 mta.say $1 Mod all you want 

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