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Live view - Is it possible?


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If you want to render the view from all points on the same client, then it will lag because the game can only render one view per frame. Something can be achieved without significant lag. For example, if you update the view of security camera every 30 frames rather than 1 frame, then your own view will only slow down every 30 frames with 1 security camera. With 2 security cameras, it would slow down every 15 frames. But lag isn't the biggest problem. Moving the camera long distances in short time intervals cause sync and LOD visibility problems.

There is another way which may look better, but uses more computing power: make a script which keeps taking the screen data of the client and sending it to the server. The server sends that data to all players who are near security monitors. Then players will see the screen of the client. This way uses bandwidth and requires to run a few clients on the server for screen data, but won't have glitches.

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