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The Vahhala story


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There is no legal or illegal copy. You mean leaked script or the real one.

There is no official way of getting the gamemode. You can find leaked copies somewhere. No one respects the people who use those scripts so just don't use them, it's annoying, shit and nobody likes that someone actually makes a server out of it. Learn to script if you want to be successful.

The script was first released by Daniels, the ex-owner of MTA Valhalla Gaming and MTA Concrete Gaming (current MTA Root Gaming). He didn't actually leak it because he is the one who made the whole code.

After that we got Mount as owner, staying as MTA Valhalla Gaming, soon after mabako got crazy (this had happened more than once before..) he leaked the script by himself and a few got it until it was removed from the site. Mabako of course got banned and so on. And this May we turned into MTA Root Gaming because the crappy community owner Jay Ruck couldn't do anything else than take out a server with a record of 152 players. Jay anyways bought vG with more than $2,500.00. He's the worst owner I've ever seen.

What else?

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