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[R] vs. [PiG] Results


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if you guys want to post some of that log, post it from the very begining, u know the part where u threw it in my face. becuz as i said u denied the proposal on there, and the forum dates will show that that had to have happened in game. as far as the stuff i said there, lemme settle that right here. ANYONE would have raged on you after the things you said during that match. there were some things that you said during that match that if i heard anyone say to me or any of my friends i would have kicked the crap outa them right then and there. you make so many sex jokes that its not even funny. as far as the beginning no i didnt manage to get a copy of it. but basically what happened was i said that deathb asked me to offer you guys a truce, and you guys started flaming me(deathb) if you are going to deny that then you obviously have a VERY short term memory pusher. grow up dude, the jokes that you make are things that i have never heard said in real life, and probably never will. things about how someones a sweaty little virgin and what not are not funny at all

as far as the cheating comment goes that you so like to flame me for- i tried to bring it up to you on that server, and i even gave him a way to prove that he wasnt cheating. but you insisted on flaming me then until finally we all left. and then you come on here and say that i was completely unjustified in saying that, yet you say one second that your not saying he wasnt cheating necesarily, then the next you completely positive he wasnt. hmm ge pusher wanna share what made you change your mind. (that was a post that was deleted becuz of some other stuff that you said in it if i recall right, so dont even bother trying to make it look like im lying by asking for a link. sure you were on that server with us, but you died before the shootout even happened, and you didnt appear anywhere close to us until that shootout ended. i wouldnt have posted that in your thread, but up until that time it looked like we were going to have a match, so i used the place where we were starting it(your thread) to call it off

as far as me being a dick and going on a power trip yada yada yada, you ----repeatedly----- made the first insult pusher, we didnt start sh*t you did, we even left you guys alone for 4 days during which you CONTINUED to flame us. but you repeatedly make it sound like you SO abbused on these forums. and whats more, WE EVEN OFFERED PEACE TO YOU, and held back our clan to give you time to accept. becuz believe me pusher, our clan has had some things to say to you that i have stopped them from saying with pm's msn or the like.

as far as your posts getting deleted - news flash buddy - anyone would have deleted the posts that you made. those werent free speach. those were sick and offensive(and i see that you never learned based on the fact that you again posted those on the forum and put a link in our thread(which i hope is deleted very soon) becuz no pusher, retard pics dont go over well, niether do sex jokes, or half of the other things that you said.

and pusher, im not a dick to new clans as you claim, i welcome them. i was in the process of going to type out a welcome to you, since you didnt seem to get that the post where i said that we look forward to you trying, and the one where i made a joke about being confident were jokes(even if they werent you still threw the first insult) lemme help you out THEY WERE. and dont believe me about i was about to type a welcome if you want, becuz i realize that anyone could make that up. so if you dont believe that then just skip this part.

now please take one of the peace options pig. cuz im sure that i missed on a couple of the touching issues, and i dont want to comment on them, since this whole thing should never have begun in the first place.

and just to clarify pusher, when i offered peace, i offered to put EVERYTHING in the past, including your sweaty little virgin jokes, and my "flaming" of you guys. and im going to repeat right now that the offer to end the clan war here and now STILL STANDS


because you seem to think that you can target both of the leaders, and one of the right hand men in your enemies list, and not go to war with the clan. it doesnt work that way pusher and if you thought for a second you would realize that. if you continue to switch names, and post sh*t about us on these forums then im going to bring up the third option, and the third one is where i look like a dick. so please stick with one of the first two

just to refresh your memory here they are-

1. you accept a COMPLETE restart between both clans, and we all edit our posts so that these "flame wars" never happned. im not saying we have to be allies, but we certaintly dont have to be enemies.

2. stop talking about our clan in these forums, your continuing a silly little war that should have ended a long time ago

3. t.b.a.

im sorry if this offended ANYONE, but i have tried to hold back, god knows i have.

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Oh, and DeathBreasts... READ MY DIGITAL LIPS...

"We DON'T want to play with your clan, because YOU are a DICK."

You and your little buddies think being in charge of some group of gamers you've only ever met online seen makes you special. It really doesn't. You're a sad little teenage power-tripper, and your behaviour during the game only confirmed that you're no fun to play against.

[PiG] Ponch: its not a soap opera

[PiG] Ponch: get a life and get laid

{VCP-DeathB}: should i take that as a no?

[R].Dave504: its all up to SesS

[R].Jim: abcdefghijklmno

[PiG] Ponch: wtf r u talking about its nothing to do with me...

{VCP-DeathB}: i offered it to u pig's and im serious

{VCP-DeathB}: clean start

[R].Jim has left the game.

{VCP-DeathB}: take it or leave it

[PiG] Ponch: i'm leaving...

[PiG] Ponch: sad...

I think we'll choose option number three, dick.

Bye, now...

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Why isnt Pusher banned? Hes an absolute fucking prick and deserves a bullet to the head, all he does is put down people. If it was anyone else im sure they would of been banned ages ago. Maybe its because he always crys hes the victim or maybe you just dont know how to ban him?

WeLoveYouPusher a.k.a Blade (lol) was banned after 3 or so posts, Pushers gotten away with how many?

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Alrighty im sick of this bullshit, Sorry for the language but this is rediculous, You guys are pransing round like little school girls STOP THIS CRAP. Im sick of it, Yetika Now merged with VCP are gonna stop flaming gangs and crap, [PIG] You guys seriously need to grow up,and rouge u aswell lets stop this flaming crap. Come on pigs, if your going to talk smack at least make sure its backed up by SOMETHING that happned in game. I luv gangs theyre cool but no chilidish stuff keep it in the game and leave it there, stop stuffing up the forums.

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these childish acts in which you speak of generally are carried out by the [PIG] clan, but not all of them, most pig's are great gamers and i have no worries playing them, itz the one or two that have to carry on with the name calling and what not, that spoils the game. ie Pusher.

Rogue has never flamed [PIG] directly, we generally mirror their flames.

in english, im basically trying to say, if they disrespect our clan, we'll disrespect theirs.

if i was to make comment about your clan Ratez, im sure you would stand up, and say stuff back right? you wouldn't jus let me walk all over your clan?

Rogue will not be walkin over by the likes of pusher, and i too want this flame war to end, but will pusher just give up? who knows?

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if i was to make comment about your clan Ratez, im sure you would stand up, and say stuff back right? you wouldn't jus let me walk all over your clan?

Rogue will not be walkin over by the likes of pusher, and i too want this flame war to end, but will pusher just give up? who knows?

aye,i would but not for 1 month

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I had to unlock this briefly just to say i thought pushers match report was hilarious, i love tho whole 'what i did on the day of the match report' Not many things make me laugh out loud outside of Terry pratchet or monty python, but that report did. (when i got to the tracksuit warming up bit i laughed so loud my cat jumped up from its slumber and ran out the door)

Lets have more of the same from other reports, less flame more laughs :)

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