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SAMP ped skins in MTA?

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So then if I have a txd/dff file that works in regular GTA:SA It should work using the engine functions? Like I said I just cant get it to work unless I change only the txd to a txd I made myself using the original txd.

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SkinToBeModified = 235 --ID Skin 
TxdFilePath = "cop_female.txd" 
DffFilePath = "cop_female.dff" 
SkinTXD = engineLoadTXD(TxdFilePath) 
engineImportTXD(SkinTXD, SkinToBeModified) 
SkinDFF = engineLoadDFF(DffFilepath, SkinToBeModified) 
engineReplaceModel(SkinDFF, SkinToBeModified) 

And don't forget: you must set the skin files in Meta.xml using:

<file src="cop_female.txd" /> 
<file src="cop_female.dff" /> 

Enjoy yourself.

And remember: learn the functions. Nobody will create a script for you like I did.

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