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Solution against Trainers,Cheaters and mods AVAILABLe!!!!


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Hi again,

A simple solution against cheating, modding etc(main.scm based).

This option would enable users to use custom (main.scm based)mods as well.

Like seen in a lot of online games, if

you dont have the mod,

auto download from server and


this way all modified main.scm's will be detected as

'not the propper mod installed'

and the server will auto update your vc...e voila..

Now this option would SERIOUSLY change the feeling of mta, all kinds of servers would pop up with all different gametypes, and if this option would be upgraded to check the entire Gtavc file structure and fill in the missing or not corresponding files , then even servers with new cities or worlds would pop up.(RhinoX<--Dreaming away:) ...

Please do a pitstop update on this one if you share my enthusiasm and it is easy to implement..

Greets RhinoX

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Hehe, my condolences for your internet connection;)

But besides that, if only the main.scm gets compaired and if necessary gets uploaded, then minimal data transfer will be added in front of the game. I doubt that it would desturb a lot of people,..furtermore it would guarantee legal servers with up to date and compatible game data resulting in more stable gameplay.

As for the function itself, i dont think it should be to hard to implement this in the server/client because of the fact that it stands lose of the actual gamedata.

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My view of the MTA:VC project is that it should have the option to allow completely modified levels to be used over it, just like the multiplayer modes that GTA1 and GTA2 had. They were made by DMA/R* themselves and were made so that the community would be able to make new levels themselves.

This was particularly the case with GTA2 as it supported the sort of dynamiclevel selection system which Unreal Tournament uses. They even supplied us with the in-house level editor and mission code compiler/decompiler.

This is why GTA2 still gets played at a lot of LAN parties years after it was made, because it supported modifications so well. If MTA:VC supported modifications as well, like the 0.1 version does, then people could set up private servers using the various stunt parks, racing circuits and total conversions that have been made and are in progress.

Multiplayer should always support the modifications community imho.

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Multiplayer should always support the modifications community imho.

wooohah yeah Cerbera u'll never give up :!: thats cool :twisted:

seems like the dodo community already died :cry: and now the modding too :shock: NEVER EVER :!::x

LOL xerox ur an mta guy with a 56k modem LOL im sorry but LOinsaneL

about the autodownload, here's my idea: server name: xerox's server/handling6/www.mtamods.com/handlings....

than every1 who wanna join ur server HAS TO go 2 a website and download it by himself. so i can make a mta-mod-folder with the mods i most use(maybe even with installer,if needed)and connect psssh.....whats the prob :?: iz so eze :!:

heh, i think i've already posted the same somewhere but if nobody's answering(i mean a MTA TEAM MEMBER or u XEROX)then we have to loop our posts hm.. i should copy paste it LOL, whatever cya!

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