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Multi Theft Auto "Friends List + chat + Community" on SW


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SW= SoftWare

I think this is the second time somebody publishes about Friends List on Multi Theft Auto Software.

What I mean here, it's just something like Steam or XFire, but by MTA. From there, you add players to your Friend List, and you can chat with them when playing MTA. Isn't it a nice idea?

GREEN (+1)

RED (-1)

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  • 3 weeks later...
RED, why? Because most of the users are already on XFire or Steam (Probably both like me) and it would be so difficult to move them.

Btw, I would prefer a Friend list system In Game.

not gonna happen. unless you're willing to invest $ and hire people for this.
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I have recently noticed that this was my post.. So old. Now I disagree with myself.

LOL, i was going to say "Then why did yo post this if you disagree with yourself" but then I thought you made the post to see whether others liked it even if you didnt

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  • 1 month later...
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