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Do you know the right answer ? (with ranking)


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Ok, this game is very simple, you have to answer to the question and then asker has to say if it's correct or not, if correct then you can add new question and get one point, if not correct then someone else has to answer it. If no question/answer in 48 hours then you can add new question. We do it till someone gets 25 points (25 correct answers).


1. JR10 (4)

2. Z3RB1AN (2)

3. Tank07 (2)

4. NinetyNine (1)

5. Spunkyme (1)

6. NikDelgad|GodFather (1)

7. Spanish4Life (1)

8. MarioKartero(1)

First question:

Which country won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005?

Edited by Guest
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