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Trigonometry - Object Z Rotation.


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Hey, I'm trying to allow someone to shoot a object and it would rotate to them so the facing side would look away from the wall. Example: A fish shooting script, and the fish point towards you!

Everything seems to work but depending on angle the object would lean to much on one side and cause the object to not exactly point at the player. Here's the script below, I commented all my attempts to figure this out. Anyone notice anything wrong?

local a = getPedRotation( source ) 
--x = x + distance * math.sin( -ax ) * 180 / math.pi 
--y = y + distance * math.sin( -ay ) * 180 / math.pi 
--z = z + distance * math.sin( -az ) * 180 / math.pi 
--local rx = x + math.sin (math.rad(-a)) * distance  
--local ry = y + math.cos (math.rad(-a)) * distance  
--local r = a + 90.0 
createObject ( object, hitX, hitY, hitZ, 0, 0, a + 90 ) 

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local x,y,z = getPedRotation( source ) 
createObject ( object, hitX, hitY, hitZ, 0, 0, z + 90 ) 

or use a matrix

getPedRotation returns one variable, and that is the rotation of the player.

I think I understand what you mean, but I don't get what the comments in your code mean.

Try a + 180 in your createObject

That definitively wouldn't work. The code in the comments is called Trigonometry.

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The code in the comments is called Trigonometry.

I meant, what do the variables mean ...

Anyway, try this

local ex, ey, ez = hitX, hitY, hitZ            -- 3D point that needs to be rotated 
local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(source)  -- 3D point that needs to be rotated to 
local rotx = math.atan2 (pz - ez, getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( px, py, ex, ey ) ) 
local roty = 0 
local rotz = math.pi - math.atan2 ( ( ex - px ), ( ey - py ) )  
rotx, roty, rotz = math.deg (rotx), math.deg(roty), math.deg(rotz) 
return setElementRotation(element, rotx, roty, rotz) 
createObject ( object, hitX, hitY, hitZ, rotx, roty, rotz ) 

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