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I am too busy hacking, cracking, and making other mods, so I will ask this question for now. I really plan on getting into this game soon, I just do not know how many tools (etc.) are availible.

If there is no map editor to create maps, I think I will add it to my to do list. :roll:

I wish I had some brainiac nerds to help me with my projects.

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I belive it's called 3D Studio MAX. lol

That's what Rockstar used. I've seen a program that lets you edit Liberty City, and place new buildings and whatnot, but it isn't an actual modeling program or BSP application like Hammer or QuArK is. If you want to make NEW maps that look as good as Liberty City, then you are probally going to need a copy of 3D Studio MAX or some other professional modeling program and Photoshop for the textures. And if you aren't already proficient with 3D modelers and texture work, well then you have a very long road ahead.

You might check out http://www.gta3mods.com and see what programs they have.

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