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MTA SA 1.1 Beta Bugs

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I play the nightlies a lot and happen to have noticed some new bugs be introduced into the game, some of which may cause big problems if they're not fixed before the release so I will list the ones I have found here, and anyone else can list theirs found too.

#6225 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6225 setControlState with controls disabled doesn't work any more.

#5728 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5728 Creating "Brown Streak Carriage" (model 570) crashes the client

#5988 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5988 If a pickup is created inside the player they will improperly take the pickup

#6183 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6183 Often sky mess up in r2797

#6049 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6049 GUI tab panel tabs won't get added if GUI not visible

#6115 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6115 Network trouble after jacking a passenger

#6166 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6166 Moving doors don't move

#6179 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6179 dxCreateScreenSource causes crash with maximize

#6053 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6053 Dodgy charachters in outputDebugString

#6039 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6039 Exported functions being called seem to love crashing the client in the 1.1 nightlies

#6059 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6059 A problem with calls to exports breaking when the resource with the export is restarted.

#6164 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6164 postGUI in dxDrawText may not work.

#6142 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6142 Pressing G while climbing or jumping results in crash

#6141 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6141 Label alignment "center" "right" "bottom" are mixed up

#6082 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6082 performancebrowser: stats for clients does not load

#6029 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6029 An empty lua file will crash the server

#6039 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6039 Crash when restarting a resource and crashes when joining from then on

#5987 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5987 takeWeapon / takeWeaponAmmo can result in having negative ammo

Apart from the above problems I haven't noticed much more and have been using the nightlies almost every single day and am looking forward to MTA SA 1.1 and if there is anything I can do to help let me know.

Edited by Guest
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