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[SOLVED]setElementVelocity weirdness


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I'm trying to do a

'ish rope for fun. I'm a bit stuck on having a quality method to move the player on the rope.

I got somewhat OK result by changing Element position with interpolateBetween. However, it might be nicer to use setElementVelocity, because it would allow to let go from the rope and still have some velocity left (you can see usefulness of that in the Liero video). Also it would solve the problem of going through objects. The problem is, that setElementVelocity seems to throw the player in quite random position.

local a,b,c = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
x_target, y_target, z_target = unpack(g_Rope.targetPos) 
-- This one actually works, got it from someone else's script 
wanted_ped_angle = (360-math.deg(math.atan2(( x_end-a ),( y_end-b ))))%360; 
setPedRotation(localPlayer, wanted_ped_angle); 
-- These don't seem to affect the velocity behaviour, so commented out: 
--setPedLookAt(localPlayer ,x_end, y_end, z_end, 0) 
--setPedAimTarget(localPlayer ,x_end, y_end, z_end) 
-- There seems to be a problem moving the player when on ground, so let's give a lift 
if  isPedOnGround then 
  setElementPosition(localPlayer, a,b,c+1, false) 
setElementVelocity(localPlayer, 0.2, 0, 0) 

It does move the player if I'm not on the ground, but it seems to move the player in random position.

Should I change the parameters in setElementVelocity? Are there anything more than speed in these actually?

Edited by Guest
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The problem is, that setElementVelocity seems to throw the player in quite random position.

No but just in the X axis of the GTA world ( it's not Z instead ??? ) and you want the player's axis right ?

and I seen an error ( fixed here ):

if  isPedOnGround( localPlayer ) then 
  setElementPosition(localPlayer, a,b,c+1, false) 

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It should be all of these, I guess. If the rope has been shot just in front of you, there's no z though.

Even if I don't set Y velocity, it should still move in the right direction on one axis, imo. But while testing I got the opposite direction quite often.

Edited by Guest
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