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MySQL database and ACL?

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Yeah, I haven't use MySQL on MTA, I think it his use is only on extreme cases (too much data for a server, or espcially for web use). On my case, i'm using the SQLite, cause is a simple server.

On SA-MP I do a fully integrated server/website, but SA-MP's MySQL plugin uses too much resources (memory leaks), so for SA-MP I don't recommend MySQL.

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You know the User System script in resources? Doesn't it use that?...

From UserSystem:

function onJoin()
if( not connect_mysql ) then
outputChatBox( no_connect_sql_message )
local colour = mysql_query( connect_mysql, "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE serial='" .. getPlayerSerial( source ) .. "'" )
if( colour ) then
while true do
local row = mysql_fetch_assoc( colour )
if ( not row ) then 
if( not TAGS[source] ) then
						nameJoined = getPlayerName( source )
setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 255, 255, 0 )
createBlipAttachedTo( source, 0, 2, 255, 255, 0)
break end
					nameJoined = getPlayerName( source )
					name = row['login']
					money = row['money']
local class = row['class']
					TAGS[source] = class
bindKey(source, 'F4', 'down', openPanelForUsers)
bindKey( source, 'm', 'down', secure )
-- [[ Admin ]] --
if( TAGS[source] == "4" ) then
setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 255, 0, 0 )
createBlipAttachedTo( source, 0, 2, 255, 0, 0)
setPlayerMoney( source, money )
if( setUpdateMessage == "1" )  then
outputChatBox("#FF0000*USER: #FFFF00"..updateMessage.."", source, 0, 0, 0, true )
-- [[ Moderator ]] --
elseif( TAGS[source] == "3" ) then
setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 0, 0, 255 )
createBlipAttachedTo( source, 0, 2, 0, 0, 255)
setPlayerMoney( source, money )
if( setUpdateMessage == "1" )  then
outputChatBox("#FF0000*USER: #FFFF00"..updateMessage.."", source, 0, 0, 0, true )
-- [[ Member ]] --
elseif( TAGS[source] == "2" ) then
setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 0, 255, 0 )
createBlipAttachedTo( source, 0, 2, 0, 255, 0)
setPlayerMoney( source, money )
if( setUpdateMessage == "1" )  then
outputChatBox("#FF0000*USER: #FFFF00"..updateMessage.."", source, 0, 0, 0, true )
	mysql_free_result( colour )

And further down into the script i believe it uses the "class" field once again...

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yeah......maybe you shouldn't post in threads you have no clue what your talking about. Try re-reading my other post again and try again. Class and ACL are different therefore how would a script that bases it's scripts on an ACL work on a script that runs on created custom classes? :roll:

Damn girl you got me good with your 5th grade education. I didn't know. I just got MTA. So excuse me girlfriend.

Also I just thought that user system used some other admin panel too. I never looked at it that close.

Edit: I'm all lost... You want to use a different panel for the UserSystem resource? Information on the other panel please?

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I suggest you make a new panel, i did the exact same with this system.

Altough i did modify it and rewrote a lot of functions because the system works very slow on some parts, especially the main parts like class assignment kepth bugging me, so i rewrote the whole thing.


PS: I suggest you to add this in your class assignment script: setElementData(source, "class", TAGS[source])

because that will make it possible for you to use the classes outside of the usersystem.

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