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[help]Health bar blink


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I know that already. But I don't know where to put. So My try:

if getTickCount () %2000 < 1000 and health <= 25 then
dxDrawRectangle(sWidth-206,sHeight-23,114.0,14.0,tocolor(50,0,0,150),false) -- Health inactive bar
dxDrawRectangle(sWidth-206,sHeight-23,lineLength1,14.0,tocolor(175,0,0,200),false) --Health active bar
dxDrawRectangle(sWidth-206,sHeight-23,114.0,14.0,tocolor(50,0,0,150),false) -- Health inactive bar
dxDrawRectangle(sWidth-206,sHeight-23,lineLength1,14.0,tocolor(175,0,0,200),false) --Health active bar

But it didn't blink if health is actually less than 25.

How to fix it?

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It doesn't blink because you draw it, whether you have more than 25 of health or not. Both of your dxDrawRectangle pairs are the same. Change the colour and see the difference.

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if getTickCount()%2000 < 1000 then
--draw it here


to my personal culture, i'd like to understand the addition of %2000 which is not explained in the wiki.

Can you guys tell me? :)

Good idea about the blink thing XX3, also i would put health bar colors like it:

green when >= 60

orange >=30 & <60

red <30

what do you think?

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to my personal culture, i'd like to understand the addition of %2000 which is not explained in the wiki.

% is about the same as doing this:

number = 9001
while number >= 2000 do
   number = number - 2000

You basically set a maximum for your number. If it exceeds the maximum, % rounds it back to within the range you specify.

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I made a dynamic colour change health bar for a Flash game long time ago (college project), I'll port it to Lua for you:

local health = getElementHealth( getLocalPlayer( ) );
local maxHealth = getPedStat( getLocalPlayer(), 24 ); -- get max health stat
local colourPercent = ( health / maxHealth ) * 255;
local red, green; -- we don't need blue because we don't use it, it'll be 0
if health < ( maxHealth / 2 ) then
  red = 255;
  green = ( health / 50 ) * ( colorPercent * 2 );
  green = 255;
  red = 255 - ( ( health - 50 ) / 50 ) * 255;
local color = tocolor( red, green, 0, 150 );
-- Now, use this "color" variable instead your tocolor

I haven't tested it but it should work just fine since it's a simple port from ActionScript to Lua. If you get some issues, tell me and I'll test it and fix it if necessary. I know for a fact, at first the colour was weird due to Flash colour transformation but it should work.

As your health goes down, the colour will transform. The colour should change like so: Green (100%) -> Yellow (50%) -> Red (0%).

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OK, just tested and found out that getPedStat returns 569 not as I expected it to return value of what max health you see on the health bar. Use this code then:

local maxHealth = 100; -- get max health stat
local colourPercent = ( health / maxHealth ) * 255;
local red, green; -- we don't need blue because we don't use it, it'll be 0
if health < ( maxHealth / 2 ) then
red = 255;
green = ( health / 50 ) * ( colourPercent * 2 );
green = 255;
red = 255 - ( ( health - 50 ) / 50 ) * 255;
local color = tocolor( red, green, 0, 150 );

Edited by Guest
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