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Gta-multi.com, Quality MTA San Andreas Hosting.

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How would a guy you sponsor with a server have access to your funds? Seems much like a counter-attack which is based on lies.

Judging by the lag in the servers hosted by you, I strongly disagree with your justifications. RAM and CPU isn't everything. Network/connection is also an aspect and when you host 100 servers on a root hosted by a budget dedicated server host, it's called overselling. The network just cannot cope well with everything and thus the servers lag. Btw, OVH's lowend dedis don't even have fully dedicated uplinks iirc.

Not to bring it to you, but Rui was employee at Gta-multi (if I'm not mistaken he was owner's very good friend). Also it was one of the PROJECTS not the Gta-multi. Please stay out of the topic, when your knowledge about dedicated servers/hosting is empty. Also please note that the "lag" isn't beacuse of the network. We are aware of that problem and we know what's causing it. We are currently working on it too.


We are still trustable, your server data/accounts are safe.

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Also please note that the "lag" isn't beacuse of the network. We are aware of that problem and we know what's causing it. We are currently working on it too.

For some reason, you have failed to fix it for at least 2 months as the lag has been there for (at least) that time being and has even got worse in time.

I was left the impression that he was just a sponsored guy because they didn't use GTA-multi when Mini Missions was started and after some months they suddenly started using GTA-Multi's services and advertised it. Don't really get why he didn't use his best friend's services from the beginning, but I don't really bother to care either.

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That's right, He also dropped the "mini-missions" server, and abused all password which were stored at their server.
Well we didn't do this. That is some kind of lie wich was made up by Rui, the owner of MM. He stole 1200$ from one of Gta-multi's projects. After we have found out about that, we have investigated further and noticed it really was him. Because of that he was kicked out and his server was suspended. Note that we did NOT compromise any of passwords from users of MM.

Me (Rui), the owner of MM, didnt steal 1200dollars from him, im going to explain everything so there isnt any lies behind the story or any hiden facts.

I have been hosting my MM server with gta multi for some time, i even infact helped allot the company to succeed, if it is successfull right now, then 80% of it was because of my ideas and effort to help him. Even after that i never asked him for money , even thought i have been helping him for almost 2 years.

So , as good scripter that the owner of gta multi is, i had one day an excellent idea of opening site based on traffic exchanging related to youtube views, i knew that this is what most youtube partners are looking for basicly.

I had the entire idea writing on a notepad, the whole site, how it works, accounting, security ideas, EVERYTHING was "designed" (the ideas) by me, the site is http://www.yt-box.com btw, gijs (the owner of gtamulti) was the scripter,

the site where runing for something like 2months when suddently we started to notice allot fo bugs and exploits that the users where doing, i have warned tons and tons of times: "Gijs, fix the damn site, and add the shop on it, we are losing right now tons of money", 4 months passed, still not any change at all on the site,i was in need of money realy quick (wich is why i had this excellent site idea) so i decided myself open a gig on fiverr.com (a site where you can sell any services and people pay you 5 dollars for it) , the gig was mainly to sell youtube views, so , as yt-box was mine idea, and since the scripter didnt wanted to monetize it opening a shop on the site (where people could buy views and we get some money from it) i decided to open that gig, 2 months later,(already almost 5/6 months total without any progress) i told him that i was runing the gig on fiverr , and that because of hes lazyness he was losing money and that i have done around 800 dollars on it, so, if i where realy stealing, i wouldnt be that stupid to teel him that i was runing a gig about youtube views , even thought i used the site wich belong to both, i didnt feel the right to give him 50% of the money as he didnt even keep the site working correctly and most of the views even didnt come from the site itself and from other methods i used,(also to run a gig on fiverr, it requires allot of work dealing with unsatisfied costumers) even after that i was offering him 80 euros around to fix the damn site, and open the damn shop, on the past he kicked me ((yea unbeliveble, he kicked me from my own idea, and stole the project) from the project, for some stupid discussions , i came back, did this gig thing, and he kicked me back again , and still uses my website idea (the agreed on the beging was, if someone quits, both quit), so basicly he still using the site, and im aware that he is going to upate it soon to earn the triple of the money that i won with it. Now teelme who is "stealing".

So, he stole my site, im not stupid, i used my knowlegde (because he dont understand nothing about how youtube alogaritms work) and made my own site, wich tops the old one 3+ times,i got my own dedicated server, moved mini-missions to there, i opened also my new site on the new dedicated i got, and somehow he(gijs) discovered the site, he got mad (problably because i got a site 3 times better and bug free in some days after he kicked me),he acessed the mini-missions database, used my personal password, and toke down the #mini-missions irc channel, i opened another irc channel called #mm, on the next day , he acessed on irc using my nickname "djlobo" and used again my password to drop the #mm channel down and register on hes own, i had to change all of my passwords, msn, forums, site, ftps ... etc... and made my 50+ admins change their own so he couldnt do this again.

Even if he had all the reason of the world , and even if was wrong about the fiverr thing he didnt had the right to steal my passwords and hack my server.

Now its your time to judge based on this facts, these are the real ones, i made sure to state everything that happened in here.

PS: even after what he did about the password stealing and hacking stuffs, i decided to dont do this thread, as i dont like to damage other peoples image, but since he decided to damage my image acusing me of stealing i decided to open this thread explaining eveything.

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lol lier you are just a owner of a small mm server with 25 average player. GTA multi is a big hosting company, they don't even have time for your server. If you gave some ideas that does not make your contribution 80%.

And you're a liar because who ever you are, you're not in CIT (as your "Gang") says. Why did you even make such a comment anyway? I doubt you know what you're talking about.

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lol lier you are just a owner of a small mm server with 25 average player. GTA multi is a big hosting company, they don't even have time for your server. If you gave some ideas that does not make your contribution 80%.

-My server have an average of 50 players, (right now with 60 online) and thats because we dont update it majorly for some time because before it was hiting 80+ players.

-Gta multi is a big "company" mostly because of my help, you see that control panel they have ? 90% of that is full of ideas of mine.

-Your post dont makes mostly any cense.

-You are wasting my time.

-You are problably an friend from gijs.

Enough said.

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-Gta multi is a big "company" mostly because of my help, you see that control panel they have ? 90% of that is full of ideas of mine.

Enough said.

lol ideas don't matters. lol i am giving u idea of making flying car, go make it and i will be there to take credits like u doing.

i am not friend of gijs. i just posted after looking at your 1GB story . Ideas just annoy people who work on something, they just listen so that u don't feel bad. they can even leak ur scripts if i am not wrong but they are professionals. they gave u free host and now u taking credits and blaming them

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Peacemaker, you should get banned from this forum, your post(s) are only insulting others.

I agree, and if I knew his name on the CIT server i'd ban him because whoever he is, he isn't nice.

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Peacemaker, you should get banned from this forum, your post(s) are only insulting others.

Castillo I never insult anyone, i just write truth and gave my opinone. but u guys don't accept truth.

Arran my ingame nick is 4ever and u can't ban me, i friend with admins

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-Gta multi is a big "company" mostly because of my help, you see that control panel they have ? 90% of that is full of ideas of mine.Enough said.

I don't want to discuss, but seriously what are you talking about? you got like 1% of the ideas of that control panel,

And mini-missions, you think that helped whole gta-multi? I asked alot of people to advertise on forums and that is not your small game-server wich made Gta-multi succeed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Periodically (1-2 monthes) this hosting has problems.

@GTA-Multi: I advice you to raise prices and dont practice overselling.

Also, its not good to lie to your customers (you lied to me a lot), notice them always!

Again... my server is not working at all for the last 2 days. Quality?

@People: Its sh*t hosting, if you want to save your nerves and time, dont choose it.

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Periodically (1-2 monthes) this hosting has problems.

@GTA-Multi: I advice you to raise prices and dont practice overselling.

Also, its not good to lie to your customers (you lied to me a lot), notice them always!

Again... my server is not working at all for the last 2 days. Quality?

@People: Its sh*t hosting, if you want to save your nerves and time, dont choose it.

Me2 same as you

last 2 days my servers were a SH*T of LaG

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Zaya, I have host from them too, and my server had'nt any problem in the last 2 days, the only fact that I hate, is that they are too lazy to fix that damn phpMyAdmin for databases!

how many players in your server and where your server is hosted

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  • 2 weeks later...

My server have 50+ players, and was Hosted on Gta-multi, In the first two weeks the server working very well and after two weeks that what happen: all players got Timed out and the server not showing on Server List for 10 min, When i ask live Support about the problem they say the MySql server was restarted ( WTF? ),, and after two day again problem happen the ping up and down up and down and up like 3000+ and all players got timed out and mega lagger with Network trouble on the Screen for all players When i ask live Support about the lagg they just say we're on DDoS attack and we can't do any thing :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o

WTF? can't do any thing?! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

my server stay with the shit lagger for one weeks and the lagg never fixed, so i just move my server to other host^ 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been with gta-multi for around 2 months, but with the recent downtime I took a look onto google to see if I could find any results as in to why they have downtime, I found this at http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1062180


During the past few days you may have noticed that our forum was "hacked", at least the one behind these actions likes to call himself a hacker. We used an original vBulletin 4.1.2 build which had an exploit and the "hacker" got some hashes and salts with this exploit and had those decrypted by other guys on the internet. Only 1 password got actually decrypted and it was Matrix's, which was quite easy to bruteforce. This account had very limited privileges around here and he could only ban some users and delete some posts which were more-or-less restored, I'll try to restore others soon as well.


You can see here that he posted the hashes and salts for someone to brute-force those.

"Hacker's" information:

Username(-s): MaykoX, Maj

E-mail: [email protected]

MSN: [email protected]

Xfire: caremayko11

Skype: M4YK0X


Lives in: Slovenia

Works at: GTA-Multi staff member

Various e-mails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Google his e-mail:CLICK HERE!

Notice the first URL of the forum and make your own conclusions.

His post on our forums:


Originally Posted by Matrix

Hello fellow members,

This forum''s database has been recently compromised by me. This was possible because of Bauss not having enough money to buy an acutal forum skin and actual forum software itself. It''s been exploited serveral times now. The database has been downloaded and I''m going to compromise ALL of the email accounts, don''t bother changing it. I do have almost all accounts already, however not all. You''re lucky if your email isn''t gone yet. Bauss, I''ve been watching you for some time now... I actually know everything you type, everything you do, so please go and fuck off. Stealing others work isn''t cool bro. I hope you''ve taken this warning seriously, as I''m serious.

Kind regards,


He accused me of stealing someone's work and hosting illegal vBulletin software - none of that was actually true. He also claims so many things, none of which are true, he just used a vBulletin 4.1.2 exploit. Also threatened some of our users to steal their credit card details. After this all happened he came to our forums with his real username and though that no-one would actually investigate what went on and he would never get caught by using a proxy.

As you can notice, he's a GTA-Multi staff member. How can you ever be sure to host your things there when the owners/workers are actively trying to hack sites. They could easily compromise anyone's database hosted on their servers and try to bruteforce the passwords or other delicate information.

Think twice before choosing GTA-Multi as your host!

I'm guessing after hacking webhostingtalk, they decided to hack gta-multi.com back, or maybe Maj decided to hack the company he works for, who knows. Anyway I wouldn't trust these guys with s*** anymore.

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So I've been with gta-multi for around 2 months, but with the recent downtime I took a look onto google to see if I could find any results as in to why they have downtime, I found this at http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1062180

During the past few days you may have noticed that our forum was "hacked", at least the one behind these actions likes to call himself a hacker. We used an original vBulletin 4.1.2 build which had an exploit and the "hacker" got some hashes and salts with this exploit and had those decrypted by other guys on the internet. Only 1 password got actually decrypted and it was Matrix's, which was quite easy to bruteforce. This account had very limited privileges around here and he could only ban some users and delete some posts which were more-or-less restored, I'll try to restore others soon as well.


You can see here that he posted the hashes and salts for someone to brute-force those.

"Hacker's" information:

Username(-s): MaykoX, Maj

E-mail: [email protected]

MSN: [email protected]

Xfire: caremayko11

Skype: M4YK0X


Lives in: Slovenia

Works at: GTA-Multi staff member

Various e-mails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] :o@redtube.com

Google his e-mail:CLICK HERE!

Notice the first URL of the forum and make your own conclusions.

His post on our forums:


Originally Posted by Matrix

Hello fellow members,

This forum''s database has been recently compromised by me. This was possible because of Bauss not having enough money to buy an acutal forum skin and actual forum software itself. It''s been exploited serveral times now. The database has been downloaded and I''m going to compromise ALL of the email accounts, don''t bother changing it. I do have almost all accounts already, however not all. You''re lucky if your email isn''t gone yet. Bauss, I''ve been watching you for some time now... I actually know everything you type, everything you do, so please go and :o off. Stealing others work isn''t cool bro. I hope you''ve taken this warning seriously, as I''m serious.

Kind regards,


He accused me of stealing someone's work and hosting illegal vBulletin software - none of that was actually true. He also claims so many things, none of which are true, he just used a vBulletin 4.1.2 exploit. Also threatened some of our users to steal their credit card details. After this all happened he came to our forums with his real username and though that no-one would actually investigate what went on and he would never get caught by using a proxy.

As you can notice, he's a GTA-Multi staff member. How can you ever be sure to host your things there when the owners/workers are actively trying to hack sites. They could easily compromise anyone's database hosted on their servers and try to bruteforce the passwords or other delicate information.

Think twice before choosing GTA-Multi as your host!

I'm guessing after hacking webhostingtalk, they decided to hack gta-multi.com back, or maybe Maj decided to hack the company he works for, who knows. Anyway I wouldn't trust these guys with s*** anymore.

Yes indeed, thats what happens when you trust this kind of people. I even heard by 'Maj' when he applyed to get Job on GTA-Multi.com hes reason to join was 'Cause I'm sexy' and they accepted him. :lol: I lold when I heard 'Maj'.

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