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mta map editor multiplayer


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there are multiple ways, this one is the easiest in my opinion

1. forward port 22003 (UDP) and 22005 (TCP) (default ports) you can check how to do that here: http://www.portforward.com/ and check if it worked using this: http://portforward.com/help/portcheck.htm

^ - you can skip this step if you use a VPN client such as hamachi

2. go to \MTA San Andreas\server\ and start your MTA Server.exe

3. when the black server box says that it's ready to accept connections type in "start editor" without the quotes, it should tell you if it worked

4. start mta and go to quick connect, type in "localhost" or "" (doesn't matter which one you take), make sure the port is 22003

5. go to http://whatismyipaddress.com/ and send your friends your ip

^ - skip this step if you use a VPN client, your friends have to use the ip which has been assigned to you there

6. your friends now have to use quick connect with the ip you have given to them. if done correctly you should now be able to edit maps together

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