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hi, i got 3 bugs.since i dont want to flood forum i made only 1topic for they, so here they are:

1)2 my friends reported that when they connect my server they geting folowing error:

''Download error: Couldn't resolve host name.'' since server name is just ''mapping'' i cant get the problerm

2)resource ''stinger'' spams messages, i get about 30messages per pressing

3)[15:50:27] WARNING: admin_commands.lua: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerFromName' - Line: 14

[15:50:27] ERROR: ...deathmatch/resources/admin/server/admin_commands.lua:17: attempt to index local 'string' (a nil value)

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hi, i got 3 bugs.since i dont want to flood forum i made only 1topic for they, so here they are:

1)2 my friends reported that when they connect my server they geting folowing error:

''Download error: Couldn't resolve host name.'' since server name is just ''mapping'' i cant get the problerm

2)resource ''stinger'' spams messages, i get about 30messages per pressing

3)[15:50:27] WARNING: admin_commands.lua: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerFromName' - Line: 14

[15:50:27] ERROR: ...deathmatch/resources/admin/server/admin_commands.lua:17: attempt to index local 'string' (a nil value)

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That "error" (actually a warning) is because the stinger resource uses a command name identical to one the admin resource uses. The errors are coming from the admin resource, because it's not receiving the expected arguments from the command. It's nothing to worry about.

Your first issue sounds like a port forwarding issue. Did you remember to forward the HTTP port as well as the server port? (Default is 22005)

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That "error" (actually a warning) is because the stinger resource uses a command name identical to one the admin resource uses. The errors are coming from the admin resource, because it's not receiving the expected arguments from the command. It's nothing to worry about.

Your first issue sounds like a port forwarding issue. Did you remember to forward the HTTP port as well as the server port? (Default is 22005)

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List of command strings the admin resource uses (so avoid these to prevent it throwing warnings):

   <command handler="kick" call="kick" args="P,s" />
   <command handler="ban" call="ban" args="P,s" />
   <command handler="shout" call="shout" args="P,s" />
   <command handler="freeze" call="freeze" args="P" />
   <command handler="unfreeze" call="freeze" args="P" />
   <command handler="mute" call="mute" args="P" />
   <command handler="unmute" call="mute" args="P" />
   <command handler="sethealth" call="sethealth" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="sethp" call="sethealth" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="setarmour" call="setarmour" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="setarmor" call="setarmour" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="setskin" call="setskin" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="setstat" call="setstat" args="P,i,i" />
   <command handler="setteam" call="setteam" args="P,T" />
   <command handler="setinterior" call="setinterior" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="setdimension" call="setdimension" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="jetpack" call="jetpack" args="P" />
   <command handler="givevehicle" call="givevehicle" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="giveweapon" call="giveweapon" args="P,i,i" />
   <command handler="slap" call="slap" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="warpto" call="warp" args="P" />
   <command handler="createteam" call="createteam" args="s,i,i,i" />
   <command handler="destroyteam" call="destroyteam" args="s,i,i,i" />
   <command handler="repair" call="repair" args="P" />"
   <command handler="addupgrade" call="customize" args="P,t-" />
   <command handler="addupgrades" call="customize" args="P,t-" />
   <command handler="setpaintjob" call="setpaintjob" args="P,i" />
   <command handler="setcolor" call="setcolor" args="P,t-" />
   <command handler="blowvehicle" call="blow" args="P" />
   <command handler="destroyvehicle" call="destroyvehicle" args="P" />
   <command handler="setgame" call="setgame" args="s-" />
   <command handler="setgametype" call="setgame" args="s-" />
   <command handler="setmap" call="setmap" args="s-" />
   <command handler="setmapname" call="setmap" args="s-" />
   <command handler="settime" call="settime" args="i,i" />
   <command handler="setwelcome" call="setwelcome" args="s-" />
   <command handler="setpassword" call="setpassword" args="s" />
   <command handler="setweather" call="setweather" args="i" />
   <command handler="blendweather" call="blendweather" args="i" />
   <command handler="setgamespeed" call="setgamespeed" args="i" />
   <command handler="setgravity" call="setgravity" args="i" />
   <command handler="banip" call="banip" args="s" />
   <command handler="banserial" call="banserial" args="s" />
   <command handler="unbanip" call="unbanip" args="s" />
   <command handler="unbanserial" call="unbanserial" args="s" />

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dont find any:

local thePlayer = getLocalPlayer()local theStingers = {}local theColShapes = {} function bindStingerKey()	bindKey( "x", "down", dropStinger ) -- bind the "x" key to the drop stinger functionend addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), bindStingerKey )addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerJoin",  getRootElement(), bindStingerKey ) function dropStinger( key, keyPress )	if( isPlayerInVehicle( thePlayer ) ) then -- is the player in a car?		if( isElement( theStingers[ thePlayer ] ) ) then 			destroyElement( theStingers[ thePlayer ] )			destroyElement( theColShapes[ thePlayer ] )		end		local theVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle( thePlayer ) -- get the player's car		local x, y, z = getElementPosition( theVehicle ) -- get vehicle position		local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation( theVehicle ) -- get vehicle rotation		local a = getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) -- get player facing angle 		x = x + math.sin( math.rad(a) ) * 4		y = y - math.cos( math.rad(a) ) * 4		rz = rz + 90 		local groundZ = getGroundPosition( x, y, z )		if( groundZ ~= z ) then z = groundZ + 0.2 end  		theStingers[ thePlayer ] = createObject( 2899, x, y, z, 0, 0, rz ) -- create the stinger (2892)		theColShapes[ thePlayer ] = createColRectangle( (x - 2.0), (y - 2.0), 4.0, 4.0 ) -- set a colshape to check when a car hits the stinger		setElementData( theColShapes[ thePlayer ], "amistinger", "yesplz" ) -- set the colshape as a stinger colshape		--outputChatBox( "You dropped a stinger!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) -- output a chatbox message	else 	--	outputChatBox( "You have to be in a vehicle to drop a stinger!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) 	endend function clientHitStinger( theElement, matchingDimension )	if( getElementType( theElement ) == "vehicle" and getElementData( source, "amistinger" ) == "yesplz" ) then 		setVehicleWheelStates( theElement, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) 	end	-- if the element is a vehicle and the colshape is the stinger's colshape, pop the vehicles tiresend addEventHandler( "onClientColShapeHit", getRootElement(), clientHitStinger ) function destroyStinger( player, seat )	if( isElement( theStingers[ player ] ) ) then		destroyElement( theStingers[ player ] )		destroyElement( theColShapes[ player ] )	endend addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), destroyStinger )addEventHandler( "onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), destroyStinger )

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dont find any:

local thePlayer = getLocalPlayer()
local theStingers = {}
local theColShapes = {}
function bindStingerKey()
bindKey( "x", "down", dropStinger ) -- bind the "x" key to the drop stinger function
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), bindStingerKey )
addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerJoin",  getRootElement(), bindStingerKey )
function dropStinger( key, keyPress )
if( isPlayerInVehicle( thePlayer ) ) then -- is the player in a car?
	if( isElement( theStingers[ thePlayer ] ) ) then 
		destroyElement( theStingers[ thePlayer ] )
		destroyElement( theColShapes[ thePlayer ] )
	local theVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle( thePlayer ) -- get the player's car
	local x, y, z = getElementPosition( theVehicle ) -- get vehicle position
	local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation( theVehicle ) -- get vehicle rotation
	local a = getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) -- get player facing angle
	x = x + math.sin( math.rad(a) ) * 4
	y = y - math.cos( math.rad(a) ) * 4
	rz = rz + 90
	local groundZ = getGroundPosition( x, y, z )
	if( groundZ ~= z ) then z = groundZ + 0.2 end 
	theStingers[ thePlayer ] = createObject( 2899, x, y, z, 0, 0, rz ) -- create the stinger (2892)
	theColShapes[ thePlayer ] = createColRectangle( (x - 2.0), (y - 2.0), 4.0, 4.0 ) -- set a colshape to check when a car hits the stinger
	setElementData( theColShapes[ thePlayer ], "amistinger", "yesplz" ) -- set the colshape as a stinger colshape
	--outputChatBox( "You dropped a stinger!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) -- output a chatbox message
--	outputChatBox( "You have to be in a vehicle to drop a stinger!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) 
function clientHitStinger( theElement, matchingDimension )
if( getElementType( theElement ) == "vehicle" and getElementData( source, "amistinger" ) == "yesplz" ) then 
	setVehicleWheelStates( theElement, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) 
-- if the element is a vehicle and the colshape is the stinger's colshape, pop the vehicles tires
addEventHandler( "onClientColShapeHit", getRootElement(), clientHitStinger )
function destroyStinger( player, seat )
if( isElement( theStingers[ player ] ) ) then
	destroyElement( theStingers[ player ] )
	destroyElement( theColShapes[ player ] )
addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), destroyStinger )
addEventHandler( "onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), destroyStinger )

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