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[REL] Nich's Skinselector 1.0


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Nich's Skin Selector v1.0


This is my first public resource, nothing special, but may come handy for some.

Btw, i couldn't upload it to community, it told me, that meta.xml isnt't included in the .zip, but you can see yourself, that there is one.

What it does?

*Puts camera in fron of the player

*Lets player to choose a skin from all the skins there are, either to left or right.

How to use it?

*By deafult, you can toggle it by typing /skin, but you can also edit as you think it's best.


Edited by Guest
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yes it is. The only (and I mean, only) difference is changing function names to a newer counterpart. :roll:

Please MOH, for your sake, stop embarrasing yourself. Stealing scripts is for no-lifers, especially if it isn't such a great script either. Even more so if you don't even edit its behaviour whatsoever. If you still think that you're a "good scripter", think again. As most people would most likely think you're either a bad thief, or a terrible scripter. (or both, if you ask me)

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Yes it is. The only (and I mean, only) difference is changing function names to a newer counterpart. :roll:

Please MOH, for your sake, stop embarrasing yourself. Stealing scripts is for no-lifers, especially if it isn't such a great script either. Even more so if you don't even edit its behaviour whatsoever. If you still think that you're a "good scripter", think again. As most people would most likely think you're either a bad thief, or a terrible scripter. (or both, if you ask me)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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