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removeCommandHandler crashes the server


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I got a script that when a cop hits a marker a command gets avalible, and when he uses that command that command becomes unavalible...

But when i use removeCommandHandler the server crashes and the game too, am im using it on the wrong place?

Heres the code:

function crimeCommit( playerSource,cmd,crime)
local team = getPlayerTeam(playerSource)
local teamname = getTeamName(team)
if teamname =="SAPD" then
if crime=="true" then
givePlayerMoney(player, 5000)
outputChatBox("Good, That Criminal Is No More, For your Cooperation The SAPD give you 5000 dollars!", player,0,255,0)
--added the removeCommandHandler here
if crime=="false" then
takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(10000))
outputChatBox("Prank Calling The Police is NOT ALLOWED, you have now lost 10000 dollars!", player, 255,0,0)
--added the removeCommandHandler here

this isent the whole code!

but what may be the problem?

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Probably server doesn't like you removing command handler in the command. BTW, why do you want to remove the command for everyone when 1 cop types it in? Make a global table of players and check if they can use the command or not.

g_Players = { }; -- somewhere at the top of your script
-- let him use the command
g_Players[ player ] = true;
-- disable the command for him:
g_Players[ player ] = false;
-- inside the function called by command
if g_Players[ player ] then -- can he use the command?

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