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Useing other mods with MTA?

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Hello there,

I use the 'dodo mod' when playing single player offline ,it helps to make flying the dodo plane alot easyer and also makes the Diablo gang car in portland drive like it has a super TURBO, and i also use the real car names mod.

I was just wondering:

1. If the dodo mod and other mods will be able to work online with MTA mod ?

2. If the dodo mod does work with MTA , how will running other mods with MTA effect lag?

I cant wait for mta .03 to come out, ive been watching the progress counter, its been the same for a few days. Patience is the key...Keep up the good work guys MTA TEAM ROCK !! :D

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we will most likely not enable any other mods but ours.

Ours mods will be things to be able to pay games with eachother, such as DM,TDM,CTW and liberty city survivor.

These will be very small modifications, but they will be very much fun :lol:

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Hello ,

Hey there Slothman , i downloaded the dodo mod when GTA 3 first come out a while ago. There is a Smart dodo mod at: http://www.gta3hq.com/

Click on mods in the menu then scroll down to find the smart dodo mod in the list.

Im not sure if this is the same mod i got ,but the Dodo now should have big wheels and you dont have to keep pressing a button to stay in the air, and also try going into a Diablo gang car and see if it has a super TURBO.

Let me know if it works.

Good Luck , bye

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