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Ok, since there have been something like 11 billion topics about that damn map editor now, I figured I'd take the liberty of making a collection thread so we won't have map editor problems spammed out all over the forums.

First of all. MTA. You need the latest nightly. You can find it here.

Second, you need the data files and the net module also. You can find those on the previous page. After downloaded, one of them's an installer, the other has a readme telling you exactly what to do.

Now, you need the latest resource pack. Guess what? You can find it on the page I gave earlier...

Now you can try. Start the server, start the editor by typing start editor, join the server.

It should work. If it doesn't, it's probably your own fault, so remove everything and go through this whole thing again, being careful to read, understand, and do everything.

It should work. If it still doesn't, that's very odd, since it should. NOW you get to post on the forums. Just, please spare us from another "HEEElfplapflapflepllpplppllplPLPLPLPL!!1111" topic not explaining your problems, make sure to post in this topic, of course AFTER seeing whether or not somebody has the same problem as you.

Use proper language, (we can obviously not help you if you can't communicate with us,) punctuation, just do it by the book. In short, try not to look like a retard when you post. It doesn't increase your chance of getting any help at all.

I hope this has been helpful...

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 times out of 10 the reason for the Map editor not working is because people extract the resources to MTA San Andreas/mods/deathmatch/resources instead of MTA San Andreas/server/mods/deathmatch/resources.

That does seem to happen disturbingly often, doesn't it. :P

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Hmm, I did everything stated above. After installation when I try to run the program, it says "missing d3dx9_41.dll", even though I have the latest DirectX already.

You don't have the latest directx. Download (google) the March 2009 "DirectX redistributables" (they're pretty new) and the VS2008 SP1 redistributables.

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