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Same IP's on Same Server - Behind Router

Guest FishPoo

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Hey, I realized that only 1 client with an IP address can be connected to the server at a time.

Is it possible to allow multiple players with the same IP connect?

I'm behind a router, and if I want to play online with some friends, we have to play on different servers.

I know its possible, perhaps an option in the server config to allow multiple instances of the same ip?

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this version is designed to get the basics down... in the future we may support multi sessions under 1 ip.. but for now we just need to get the core basics done... remember this is v 0.1

but you CAN do this..

if you host a server both of you can play on that and external players can connect assuming you forward the necessary ports (game port is 2003 by default, ASE runs on that port+123 (so 2126 by default)


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