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Turf War!!!!!!! Read this you will poop your pants!

Guest DoctoRx Jesus

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This idea sort of broadens the scope of a classic Capture and hold CTF scenario. Basically the game would be based around the idea of two teams trying to control the individual districts of a city. each team would be allied with one of the gangs (mafia, yakuza, yardies, etc.) every district in the city would then have a capture point which when touched would designate the entire district as territory of their gang. (similar to a tower switch in a game like tribes)

When a team has control of a district the peds in that district would suddently take on the appearance of their gang ( like what happens during a rampage) I. E. all the peds would shift to being Mafia, yakuza or yardies, depending on the gang your team was affiliated with & they would then automatically try to kill any members of a rival team trying to invade your turf.

The longer one team holds a switch the stronger their gang in that district would become. For instance, the second a team captured a district their gang would start off on the streets with pistols & bats, then after five minutes passed they would get uzis and AKs and they could get more aggressive and start ramming other gangs' cars, and after ten minutes of holding the district they would get M16's and flamethrowers and so on.

scoring would be determined by which team ended up controlling the city at the end of a match or which team had the most territory at the end of a game.

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I like it, wel most part of it. :D I don't like the idea of all peds becoming gang members, I think it's way more fun that the gang members in the area will start shooting at the other team, but I think it's best if you still have to defend your area's. Else it would just become a race of who reaches the switch first.

My 2 €cents :)

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my pants are still clean. mainly because i already posted this idea long ago. i called it King of the Hill, works as such:

each gang can capture teritory. gangs have to fight over it, they cant just walk in an take it. each gang controls a percentage of the map, like 48%. that means when you die, its a 48% chance that you will spawn in their gang. the more land you own the bigger your gang. evntually you try to control the whole map. but smaller gangs (by will) can choose to ally, and over thro you with shear brute force. scoring is rank of percentage owned. if you completey kill all gang members before the respawn, then that gang is out all together. - that was my original idea.. pretty similar to yours, cept for the peds which wont even be in .03 neways

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No peds is the stupidest thing ever. gta needs them to work effectively. second, id didn't mean all ther peds wpuld be gmembers, just the number of them would be boosted (like when you pick up a rampage icon. third you would be able to capture other gangs territory. it works like capture and hold ctf. kill a gang member and he'd drop the territory markers he'd captured making them yours.

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a good rule for gang-play would be that the smaller the gang-the better the weapons you're given. that would give a little balance to it. you could choose to run with a big gang, only get pistols, and you would rely on your numbers to suvive, or if you join a posse of under 8 people, you'd get an uzi, giving a slight advantage to make up for your numbers

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with uzis and hanguns you can run, while you are stuck moving like a snail with anything bigger. maybe we should run a test. someone start a server, give one guy a big gun, and the rest uzis. see what happens and report back.


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no pooping of the pants here.

have any of you thought of the difficulty to involve this?

it would be quite hard, the easy part would be to differentiate the zones and split up the level to award points for holding them. it would become more difficult getting the peds to react with the zone depending on the owner or which gang. it would be alot easier though going with the original idea of just having a flag and bring it back to your base and holding it. this is quite possible only problem is scoring. would be good but as people have brought up the idea, an m16 or a rocket launcher would rip the other team up way to easy. would have to limit weopons or only put in 1 rocket launcher like the redeemer in UT

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