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!music command


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i have tried it, the script in my slr can only read whats being played on the computer that the script is on, there for if its on a server it can only read whats being played on the server, but if you want i can make the script so that all the admins can connect to your server remotly if they want to use the music script and they all have the script on there computers, thats what i did on my server when i have it running:D

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i have tried it, the script in my slr can only read whats being played on the computer that the script is on, there for if its on a server it can only read whats being played on the server, but if you want i can make the script so that all the admins can connect to your server remotly if they want to use the music script and they all have the script on there computers, thats what i did on my server when i have it running:D

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