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Server download errors

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Hi there!

I've reciently tried to set up an MTA server, but I'm having some trouble.

Ther server starts up fine, infact I get to connect through it in the server list, the problem is when downloading.

It will refuse to redirect me. Disconnects me giving a #0-9 download error. When I open console I see this:

Download error: Server denied you to change to the given directory

I've tried turning on and off http redirect, still didn't work.

If you want to try joining the server, you always can.

The IP:

I have tried downloading from the redirect I set and it works perfectly.

I would really apreciate some help, since I have no clue why this is happening, so if you can help me, I would thank you very much!

Thanks in advice,


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To be honest, I'm not really sure.

I enabled HTTP server and HTTP download, and redirected to my redirect website with the resources.

It's not fixed though, it will only download the Freeroam script, not the admin, nor anything else, so I'm quite of confused.

Really weird. Check if everything was correct, downloadable etc, and it was fine, really weird.

Hope I could help you.



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Hey there again.

I use my own redirect site for the downloads, not the MTA Beta.

I'm not running the server on my computer, it's on a dedicated machine from a company.

I have tried dissabling http downloads and self http downloads, I have tried in different HTTP websites which I uploaded the resources; Also tried downloading them my self. I repeat: Only the freeroam script downloads work and wavescript, paintball and superweapons.

I am about to give up, because I can not run a server with 60 people and have no admin.

Please, if you have a suggestion, do let me know, because I'm on a borderline situation.



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