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yeah cool but it may be better (if you aren't already saying that), if the (serial) killers have to kill 30 specific people (+2 points for each), then the police just have to stop them, we could add some strategic things too then, like the police is able to set up traps and blockades.

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  • 1 month later...

Why have a limit on how much to kill? I say you do like normally in gta vc, you kill some people and get a star. The more stars, the more stuff the cops can do to you:

0 stars : No killing

1 star : Arrest with no guns

2 stars : Use only hand guns

3 stars : Use a larger variety of guns

4 stars : Use m16 and mini guns

5 stars : Run over, use all guns

6 stars : Not considered human, use what ever it takes to kill that s.o.b.

Personally, I'd rather be part of the lcpd :shock:

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Why have a limit on how much to kill? I say you do like normally in gta vc, you kill some people and get a star. The more stars, the more stuff the cops can do to you:

0 stars : No killing

1 star : Arrest with no guns

2 stars : Use only hand guns

3 stars : Use a larger variety of guns

4 stars : Use m16 and mini guns

5 stars : Run over, use all guns

6 stars : Not considered human, use what ever it takes to kill that s.o.b.

Personally, I'd rather be part of the lcpd :shock: , The only thing is, I don't play by the rules :twisted:

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