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I Need A Hero!

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Hey guys, upon the completion of my map, a loop map with boats (it IS a fun map) I noticed that elements of the map went missing, until I added a new object, forcing the elements in that area to reappear but causing the loss of elements in other areas. Basically, it's f***** up. I was informed that it could be to do with the object limit, so I used mass mover to put it way out to sea, but that didn't really help much. I psent so long on this map and other maps (ie the ones on Phrozenbyte) are brimming with objects in the same area but they load fine. Maybe I've done something wrong, or added in the wrong sort of objects that are known to be buggy, and this is only my second map and I am at a loss as to what to do. So I leave my map in the capable hands of the map Making elite on MTA (I wouldn't mind the guy that made the going-down maps) and I have uploaded it, hoping that you guys could take a quick look and help me out. Cheers.


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