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Hi, I was wondering on what are you working NOW? What will be the next thing you'll release? Gta3mta 0.3.5 or mta:vc 0.1? You started to work on gta3mta 0.3.5,after mta:vc 0.1 and now a gang system....Could you finish doing something before starting to work on another thing!! I just think that working on 3 things at the same time will just delay everything from their release date!! Would be great if you could release another thing soon instead of releasing all at the same time in some months!! I think that gta3mta 0.3.5 will rocks but the progress didn't change from now around 3 weeks!! You said that after 0.3b would be released, all the other version would be released soon!! WHAT ARE YOU REALLY WORKING ON?? :?

Oh and could you put also a mta:vc progress counter on the main page? To see where is it now and to see on what are you really working :P and what will be released first.


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Nappa is working on the clanbase system, and i have heard that transfering 0.35 to vc should not be that difficult as the team have found the releases are similar in some respects. <-- dont quote me on that, its only hearsay for now.

and welcome back manix =)

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Nappa is working on the clanbase system, and i have heard that transfering 0.35 to vc should not be that difficult as the team have found the releases are similar in some respects. <-- dont quote me on that, its only hearsay for now.

and welcome back manix =)

whoa sweet
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