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[Blog] Custom license plates and player stats by QA Team


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As many eagle-eyed fans noticed from some recent pictures in the Picture Gallery, customisable synced license plates are now possible, and map creators can change player stats to suit the gameplay of the map. This allows for many possibilities such as fat CJ's, dual weapon wielding and faster movement, for example.

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Also, MTA can now load interiors when a player goes into a building. The map creator can choose whether or not to allow players to see each other, allowing you to create a "safe house" if you wish.

The team has very few features left to implement before going into beta, although some of these will take longer than others. It's impossible to give a timeframe, but rest assured that we are close.

The beta will be an invitation-only affair, with invitees chosen at the discretion of the MTA and QA teams. Please do not ask to be included, and do not be offended if you are not chosen.

The bugs found in the beta will be fixed by the team. When they feel happy with the quality of the mod, they will release a Release Candidate to the QA team. We will then test this and if it has no noticeable bugs, it will be released publicly. If not, the team will fix the bugs and release another RC and the process will begin again.

We cannot give a timeframe for these events as we simply do not know. You'll be glad to know that the extensive testing of Race helped a lot in reducing the bugs in the Blue core but we do not know how many we will find when we start testing with more players.

-- QA Team

Edited by Guest
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one Q.. the licence plates, will they stick to one car?.. or will they be applied to every car u enter???.. like, if I steal a car from MD_reptile, will the plates change from "MD_reptile" to "Mnightmare".. or will I be driving around with "MD_reptile" on my plates?..

btw, nice job.. wow, that process u described shure seems long, first getting finished, then beta, then RC, THEEEN public..

oh well.. looks like it's gonna be worth it

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one Q.. the licence plates, will they stick to one car?.. or will they be applied to every car u enter???.. like, if I steal a car from MD_reptile, will the plates change from "MD_reptile" to "Mnightmare".. or will I be driving around with "MD_reptile" on my plates?..

btw, nice job.. wow, that process u described shure seems long, first getting finished, then beta, then RC, THEEEN public..

oh well.. looks like it's gonna be worth it

thats a valid question...how about it MTA team? can he steal the reptilemobile? when he does will it still say REPTILE on teh plates? or how exactly did you guys handle that....I assume its done in transfender or something so that its always with the car....right?

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hehehe well ya can find me on TeamNIR server > NIR_Reptile...ill be the guy in a turismo that reads REPTILE :P

but apparantly you get the plates when you spawn...so just one more question>>>What about cars that are already on the map...spawn spots for like a cheetah yaknow? Like if I run into this cheetah I like, I wont be able to take it somewhere and change the plates?

well if not then ill just steal someone else's car with a custom plate and just use it :P

EDIT well I thought about it...even if I cant change them im sure someone would come out with custom scripts and gamemodes that DO allow it....hopefully

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I bet it goes like this:

You start up the editor, put down a car spawn point,

then you can adjust the properites of the vehicle spawn point

by pressing a F key, (like in Race Mod Editor)

there you can adjust colors,respawn delay,plates,etc.

Which means you can only adjust the plates in the map editor.

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