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Rob's Mustache


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—› quit: (Rob86_Laptop) ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)

(Jani) there goes rob

(Jani) the storm has pwned his phone line xD

(+BrophY) nah

(+BrophY) interference from him powering up his mustache

(+BrophY) owned all electrical equipment in a 5 mile radius


(+BrophY) imagine him having to trim it

(Jani) lol

(+BrophY) ordering all the scaffholding

(+BrophY) he gets illegal immigrants to work on it too


(+BrophY) 1cent per hair trimmed with a industrial strength wire cutter

(Jani) there's like mexicans jumping the border and their first hope of a job prospect is trimming robs tache


(+BrophY) Jani, i heard he has homeless people living his tash too, thats why he can smell piss everytime he wakes up

(+BrophY) they pay there way by mining his nostrils

(Jani) petrol prices go up like 5% when each swarm of illegal immigrants moves into his beard

(CoZ) tnx for that mental image .. now i can die happy


(+BrophY) Jani its also a fact that earth doesnt produce a magnetic field

(+BrophY) its robpol's tash

(+BrophY) we should thank him for protecting us from the solar radiation

(+BrophY) you think nuclear energy is powerful, try detonating one of his mustache hairs, its belived the hairs are made out of antimatter

Edited by Guest
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im quoted .. that was copyrighted not ment to be copywrited let alone copypasted

now you need to give me money for it

1 line .. 15600 some members

ill give you a discount because your nice

so instead of $1560 you'll only have to pay me $1500

cash, card or paypal ?

im off to bed so ill just say JK now, .. no need to remove the quote all scared and everything :P

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