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Vice city coordonates


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in my server (Xendot RPG Server) im trying to find a way to get the coordonates of places to make things like 21 starfish island, so i can add them to my server so that people can buy them. is there a program that can be used to find the coordonated like in SA-MP there is a debug tool you can use (/save)

cab anyone help..... thank you

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Found it, Hopefully it works for you.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 ;!c clears the buffer with pointers
 if (!c == $3) {
   !unset %area
   mta.say $1 Area cleared.
 ;!p sets a area point
 if (!p == $3) {
   %area = %area $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,x),4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,y),4)
   mta.say $1 $calc($count(%area,$chr(44)) /2) point(s) set 
 ;!s saves the area to mta.data.ini
 if (!s == $3) {
   var %a
   if ($did(mta,$1 $+ 33) == GTA:3)  !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA1 $right(%area,-1) $4-
   elseif ($did(mta,$1 $+ 22) == Stunt) !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4-
   else {
     !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4-
     !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA3 $right(%area,-1) $4-
   !unset %area
   mta.say $1 Area saved as " $+ $4-"
 ;!a Tells you in which area you are
 if (!a == $3) {
   mta.say $1 $mta.area($1,$2)

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