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Can't join my server

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When anyone tries and joins my server they can't. I can join it but noone else can. I have added ports 22003, 44003 and 22126 on my firewall exceptions and excepted all the programs that mta uses. I have even tried disabling my firewall, but still noone can join my game. Please help!

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ya its just not if your ports are open are you behind a router and also you should just reformat and dont use a router i mean when i reforatted every single part o my pc was fast and i can get amazing speed now just try uninstakllliung firewall and reinstall a new one and unclock ports if not then im not sure!

1st: choice see if ur behind a router

2nd: uninstall firewall and reset ports and open up again

3rd: reinstall windows!

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:idea: woot worked it out. i am behind a router so i am getting another one so i can by pass it :D the idea is the internet is connect to a router with no firewall. that then connects to my comp. the other wire in the router goes to the main one which does have a firewall. So i bypass it 8)
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