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Checking for an empty message

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-- var 1
function paymoney(player,cmd, ...)
for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
if #({...}) == 0 then
outputChatBox ("Empty Message",v,255,255,255,false)
--if amount == nil then
--outputChatBox ("Type Amount",v,255,255,255,false)
-- var 2
function paymoney(player,cmd, amount)
for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
if amount == nil then
outputChatBox ("Type Amount",v,255,255,255,false)

In the first option, a check is made for an empty message, Example: player type in chat /pay and appears error message "empy message" but if player type /pay 1 it's fine

In the second option, a check is made for an empty amount, example: /pay and appears error message "type amount" but if player type /pay 1 it's fine

So... How to combine this into one function? I mean if the player type in chat /pay 1 1 it's ok

but if player type /pay - error message "empy message"  , if player type /pay 1 - error message "type amount" , if player type /pay 1 1 it's fine

I am having difficulty with the string:

function paymoney(player,cmd, ...)

Need something like this:

function paymoney(player,cmd, ... , amount)

but i cant use code like this:

Error: Loading script, ")" expected near ','

Edited by oggygod
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I don't think you need the "..." since you will have only 2 arguments.
You will need the "..." in case you are sending a message (i.e. PMs).

Also why would you send the error message to all the players in the server ? :D
Isn't it supposed to be only for the player who used the command ?

I don't get exactly what your idea is tho but this might be useful to you:

function paymoney(player,cmd, arg1, arg2)
	if not arg1 and not arg2 then
		outputChatBox ("Wrong command syntax. Example: /pay 1 1",player,255,255,255,false)
	if not arg2 then
		outputChatBox ("No ammount specified. Example: /pay 1 1",player,255,255,255,false)

	-- your stuff here


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