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help make object

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Hi, for that you will need the following functions:



attachElements (maybe?) 

and you have to do it in server side to assure others will see it!

Good luck, and if you need help we’re here!

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15 hours ago, Tekken said:

Hi, for that you will need the following functions:



attachElements (maybe?) 

and you have to do it in server side to assure others will see it!

Good luck, and if you need help we’re here!

i mean get forward position for player how ?

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There are a few threads on the forum with the same subject.
Don't be shy to use the search feature! ?

Here is what I found which might be the answer for you (not written by me):

function getPositionInfrontOfElement ( element , meters ) 
    if not element or not isElement ( element ) then 
        return false 
    if not meters then 
        meters = 3 
    local posX , posY , posZ = getElementPosition ( element ) 
    local _ , _ , rotation = getElementRotation ( element ) 
    posX = posX - math.sin ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters 
    posY = posY + math.cos ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters 
    return posX , posY , posZ 


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2 hours ago, SpecT said:

There are a few threads on the forum with the same subject.
Don't be shy to use the search feature! ?

Here is what I found which might be the answer for you (not written by me):

function getPositionInfrontOfElement ( element , meters ) 
    if not element or not isElement ( element ) then 
        return false 
    if not meters then 
        meters = 3 
    local posX , posY , posZ = getElementPosition ( element ) 
    local _ , _ , rotation = getElementRotation ( element ) 
    posX = posX - math.sin ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters 
    posY = posY + math.cos ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters 
    return posX , posY , posZ 


i have seen all topics but i don't know what argument to setElementPosition Use
in your Code use posX,posY,posZ Right ?

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function getPositionInfrontOfElement ( element , meters ) 
    if not element or not isElement ( element ) then 
        return false 
    if not meters then 
        meters = 3 
    local posX , posY , posZ = getElementPosition ( element ) 
    local _ , _ , rotation = getElementRotation ( element ) 
    posX = posX - math.sin ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters 
    posY = posY + math.cos ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters 
    return posX , posY , posZ 

Use it like that:

local fx, fy, fz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(player, 5);
-- get the x,y,z positions 5 meters in front of player!
createObject(OBJECTID, fx, fy, fz);

Remember getPositionInfrontOfElement is a useful function so you will have to paste the code above in order to work!

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