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Global Ban

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I had a fight with someone and shared their personal information.

I did not share personal information on any mta official platform

The person I fought complained about me to the Turkish staff The Turkish manager banned me worldwide

Then the person I fought got back their complaint

Despite this, my ban has not been lifted

There is no other reason for me to ban

Please explain why I am still banned

I've been playing mta since 2014 and grew up with mta I don't deserve it

All I want is to be able to login to my own server



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Taking back a complaint doesn't change the fact that you Dox'ed a 15 year old kid and distributed pictures of his family to your friends just to mock him. You're a toxic player and you have a history of toxicity. You were already given a second chance after your DDoS'ing incident, there's no guarantee that you'll not do it again, so; no. You won't be able to login to your own server only, you won't be able to login any server at all.


My advice to you: find a new hobby(one that doesn't involve harming others) and get busy with it. This will be my one and only response to you. 

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