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My clientscript doesn't work very well (onclientvehicleenter) :(


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I'm using this script to make Thruster fly, only the Player who uses the Thruster will fly, but if other player enters to other Thruster, the script executes one more time the function and the Player in the First Thruster stop flying (because the function is executed again by the other player) I don't know how to make this script not affect the other players :(


here is a video.




and this the part of the script wich has the Problem:


addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),
	if (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) then
		if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled("aircars") then
			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", false )
			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", false )
			setAircraftMaxVelocity( 2.3 )
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 11, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 7, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 8, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 9, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 10, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 12, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 13, true, true)	
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 14, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 15, true, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 16, true, true)			
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 40, true, true)
			setSoundVolume(sound, 0.3)
			if isFlying then
				removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, checkFlight)
			isFlying = false
			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", true )
			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", true )
			triggerServerEvent ( "onjetpack", resourceRoot)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 11, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 7, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 8, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 9, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 10, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 12, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 13, false, true)	
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 14, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 15, false, true)
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 16, false, true)	
			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 40, false, true)
			setAircraftMaxVelocity( 1)
			setSoundVolume(sound, 0.9)
			if not isFlying then
				addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, checkFlight)
			isFlying = true
function checkFlight()
	if (not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer)) or (not Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) or isPlayerDead(localPlayer) then
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", false )
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", false )
		setAircraftMaxVelocity( 2.3 )
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 11, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 7, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 8, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 9, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 10, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 12, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 13, true, true)	
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 14, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 15, true, true)
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 16, true, true)	
		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 40, true, true)
		setAircraftMaxVelocity( 2.3 )
		setSoundVolume(sound, 0.3)
		if isFlying then
			removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, checkFlight)
		isFlying = false

local ms = 1000



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3 hours ago, Andres99907 said:

 I don't know how to make this script not affect the other players


That would be a little bit hard, since the effect is applied globally, so there will always be a little bit desync.




But you can make sure the code doesn't do anything when other players are entering vehicles:


addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),
	if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then



Note: Even if the "onClientVehicleEnter" event is clientside, it does still trigger for remote players.

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On 10/09/2020 at 17:37, IIYAMA said:


That would be a little bit hard, since the effect is applied globally, so there will always be a little bit desync.




But you can make sure the code doesn't do anything when other players are entering vehicles:


addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),
	if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then



Note: Even if the "onClientVehicleEnter" event is clientside, it does still trigger for remote players.

You helped me a loot bro : D thank you

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